Roses are red.
Sometimes roses are pink or yellow or white...
Some are genetically altered for more variety.
But that's not important.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Sometimes violets are pink or yellow or white...
Did you know that violets symbolise loyalty?
But that's not important.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
What is the rest of the poem to do?
Deliver a sappy declaration of "I love you"?
Instead I could tell you that the first rose to leave earth was called "Overnight Scentsation",
Or that new breeds of these flowers are still in creation,
Or that violets contain the chemical ionine which temporarily desensitises your nose,
Or maybe that the birth flower of February is a violet and of June it's a rose.
Sometimes roses are red,
Sometimes violets are blue,
I'd rather talk about flowers, than tell you something that's not entirely true.