Fact: Rory Gilmore Is The Worst | The Odyssey Online
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Fact: Rory Gilmore Is The Worst

I'd call it an opinion, but everyone knows it's true.

Fact: Rory Gilmore Is The Worst

I'm a lazy bum; the only things I can consistently finish are my meals. It's because of this that the show Gilmore Girlsis meaningful to me.

Gilmore Girls is the only show I have ever watched from beginning to end without missing an episode. I started watching it whilst recovering from an ACL surgery, and the show helped me take my mind off of my pain and gave me something to do while I was stuck living basically immobile in my basement for two weeks. Because of this, the characters are kind of like friends to me. All of them, that is, except for one.

Rory Gilmore sucks.

At first, I really liked Rory. She was sweet and quiet, an avid reader, and a hard worker. She had great grades and was beautiful. For the first two or three seasons, I was in Rory's corner; I wanted to like her! But as the show progressed, she just made it so hard.

Spoiler alert! Rory becomes obnoxious! Every attractive male who sees her seems to instantly fall for her (except this one random hot guy in the laundry room at Yale, who didn't bend over backward to woo her, which both upsets and perplexes her. She probably killed him off-screen in a fit of rage). Everyone in her cute Connecticut town, Stars Hollow, worships her and give her free stuff and compliments all the time.

Her grandparents are loaded. They pay for her entire education and spoil her rotten. Then we're supposed to feel bad for Dpry as she struggles with the ordeal of having to choose between Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. Yeah, that's right, she got into every school she applied to and also had no backup schools. That's not realistic AT ALL!! Screw you, Rory!

As a poor little couch-ridden cripple, I became increasingly invested in Gilmore Girls because I had nothing else I could really do (so if my opinions seem strong, that's why). I became increasingly angry at how easy things came to Rory friggin Gilmore.

You have two hot guys fighting over you? Poor you!

You have a fight with your mom (that you initiated because you're SPOILED) and have to live with your rich grandparents and abuse their kindness without feeling remorse? That must have been really hard. Also, the whole being able to eat whatever you want without gaining weight, and drinking like 30 cups of coffee a day without being a jittery spazz things get really old, really fast.

Wow, I'm getting really riled up! Better just keep going.

Rory also did the nasty with her ex-boyfriend, floppy-haired Dean, who was MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE at the time, and didn't seem to feel that had about it. In the revival that I impatiently waited months and months for, Rory is at her worst.

Despite her fancy Yale education, she can't find a job (ha, finally a little karma!) and so her natural reaction is to be like "Why me?" and then sleep with her ex-boyfriend Logan, who is ENGAGED TO SOMEONE ELSE at the time, while she is dating some poor chap whose name she can't remember even though they've been dating for two years -- what a douche (A girl can be a douche, by the way. At least, Rory Gilmore sure is one).

She complains a lot and ends up knocked up without knowing who the father is, for which I definitely do not pity her. She continually makes poor decisions and is always bailed out.

I don't know why I've taken these things so personally or why I feel so passionately about this. I know I probably sound crazy, but I just can't help myself! Rory went from inspiring young role model to whiny, pampered millennial all too soon. So, in summation, it is in my most humble opinion that Rory Gilmore is the worst fictional character ever, even below Hawkeye from The Avengers (he's useless, okay? Anyone can shoot a friggin arrow) and Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter, and she should be banished to live in Siberia. Is that too much to ask?

We feel the same way, Rory :)

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