3. You deeply support the people you love. | The Odyssey Online
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11 Signs You're The Rory Gilmore In A World Of Lorelai's

Sometimes, you just prefer diving into a book then hanging out with people you don't know.

Rory Gilmore

As much as we all want to be the lively, optimistic and deeply intense Lorelai Gilmore, not all of us can wear those energetic pants. But who said being a Rory is a bad thing?

1. You always have to be right and supported by another source.

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Yeah, you're an intellectual. You enjoy being well-rounded and having the ability to jump into a conversation that consists of more than small talk. And so what you might talk too much about a topic no one else might care about? You like knowing things.

2. You have a strong moral compass.

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You're the type of person who sticks to the rules instead of pushing the boundaries. If you believe something works, you like to do what you know, even if it can be on the boring side to other people. As the old saying goes, you don't like to fix things that aren't broken.

3. You deeply support the people you love.

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Although you might not be the most vocal around people you don't know, there is no shutting you up around your loved ones, and this bleeds into your support of the people you adore most too.

4. You wear your emotions on your sleeve.

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Someone can always tell how you're feeling based on what your face says. You might not speak a word, but your eyebrows can explain the whole story.

5. Family is everything to you.

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Through the good and the bad, you're always there for the people you love most. Times may get rocky and you might have to break up a fight or two with other family members, but at the end of the day, you are the glue to your family tree.

6. Learning is everything to you.

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Boyfriends? You won't look for them but if one comes along you won't say no. Friends? Yeah, they're great but a line has to be drawn. Homework? This comes first and foremost because you're future means everything to you.

7. You're a Type A Perfectionist.

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You put your all into everything, and when one thing starts to be less than par for you, you begin to feel like everything's falling apart. But don't worry! It's just you and your perfectionism. Take a step back, take a deep breath and realize that it's not World War III, things just didn't go as planned.

8. You are an introvert.

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You're kind of awkward... it's just in your bones. Although can it be challenging to come out of the shadows of the Lorelai in your life, there's no need to feel outshined. You bring your own light to the table.

9. You're more like a mom than your actual mom.

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You like things clean, tidy and organized in the way you like it. If someone has a problem, they can deal with it.

10. You're not afraid to say things as they are.

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If someone is being annoying, they need to know. If you find someone or something to be overbearing, you take the bull by the horns and own it. It's one of your many talents.

11. You're a bookworm.

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You're kind of a bibliophile. From collecting books, knowing all the best authors and having your favorite excerpts from your favorite books, you're known for being the best type of nerd.

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