It’s funny to think that we picked one another to be each other’s roommates simply based on what we were wearing in our profile pictures on that bizarre roommate website. This is one of the times that I disagree with the saying don’t judge a book by it's cover because if i hadn’t then I wouldn’t have had the opportunity of getting to know such a wonderful human being. You were and still are my A1 since Day 1, literally. Freshman year seems like it was forever ago but in reality it’s only been three short, yet fun years. Freshman year was a whirlwind of emotions, we fought, we laughed and we cried; but I wouldn’t of wanted to spend it with anyone other than you even if we didn’t talk to each other for the last month of school. You were there for me when my friends and family back home couldn’t. You were there for me when I was an emotional wreck over my “boyfriend”. And you there for me then and you’re still here for me now. And as cheesy as it sounds you inspire me to become a better and more responsible person. I can honestly say that you have been the best roommate that I’ve ever had. And I truly believe that all the crap that I went through last year was karma for all the crap I put you through freshman year. With that being said I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the crappy things I did, even though I’ve already apologized. And I would like to say thank you for still wanting to be my friend after seeing me be such an emotional, drunk and everything in between mess.
Thank you for supporting me and lifting me up when I’m feeling low. Thank you for making me laugh and acting a fool with me when it’s necessary. And also for being serious with me when need be. Thank you for going to urgent care with me and just being my ‘mom’ when I need you to be. Thank you for going to concerts with me even if you don’t really know the artist because you don’t want me going alone. But most importantly thank you for being my best friend.Living with someone, especially living with someone that you get along with and someone that you have things in common with creates a bond that many people, in my opinion don’t understand; I’m so happy that I get to share that kind of bond with you because living with you was an experience that I will never forget. Living with you made you my best friend. So I guess we should thank that roommate website thing for bringing us together. So thank you internet. And thank YOU (Amanda) for being my roommate freshman year.