Being in college is much like being in your own little world. There are houses and bills and cars and responsibilities, that no one outside of your campus interacts with. It is unique, as all personal worlds are, in that along with all of the hardships you face, you also form your own small families. And in college, you are given your family: your roommates.
In honor of my small family and all those who are apart of one, here's a quick guide to see how close you and your roommates really are...
1) Open Closet Policy
Living with three other people means you always have something to wear and getting ready involves everyone.
2) If You Date One of Us, You're Stuck With ALL of Us
You were worried about upsetting one girl, but what you didn't know is that you are actually dating four people. And I wouldn't upset us, see number nine.
3) You Are Never Alone
This is my room. Please get out. No, you can't eat in here. These phrases are meant when they are said. However, in the end you know you don't really want to go places alone, or eat taco bell by yourself, so you immediately apologize and go get food.
4) Being Apart is Devastating
5) "Food Runs" are Never That Simple
This is a food run with the fam:
"Where are we going? I had McDonald's for lunch. Who's driving? Can we pick somewhere I can get Vegan food? Can I wear my sweatpants? Did I buy you those? Those are my pants! No, you have some like these. Oh, sorry! WHERE ARE WE EATING! No more Taco Bell, we go there way too much. What time is it? What's even open? No burgers or chicken so Vegan can eat. We'll decide in the car. SHOT GUN!! We're going to Taco Bell. Agreed."
6) Car Rides are Private Concerts
Everyone's car has a name and the cars are referred to by their names (we have Sexy, Manny, and Pat). Once in the car you all instantly become a mixture of Adele, Rihanna, and Twenty One Pilots. Oh, and yes, dancing is allowed. In fact, dancing is encouraged.
7) You All Watch the Same Netflix Shows
The eleventh commandment: "Thou shall not ruin thou roommates Netflix series. Or thou shall feel the wrath of thy roommate. Probably by eating your food. Ha."
8) You Buy More Stuff for Them Than for Yourself
9) You Hurt One of Us, You Feel the Wrath of the Other Two
There is a Roommate Code. If you are brave enough to inflict physical, emotional, or any other kind of pain upon one of us, run. Because we have a very particular set of skills and we don't take kindly to our family being messed with. Just know, that we will find you and we will kill you.
10) All Ideas are Run Through the Group First
Your roommates are part of an elite group of people in your life that will actually tell you when you're being stupid. Thank God for them, because more than likely they've kept you from a lot of embarrassment and weird explanations.
11) You Group Message While in the House Together
12) When You Realize You're All Basically the Same Person
The world isn't ready for four of you at once, especially when you're all conspiring together.13) They Control Your Emotions Better Than You Do
Roommate families are the people that don't judge you or your feelings. Instead they run to the store, get your favorite ice cream, coffee, and Taco Bell, without you having to ask.
14) If You Don't Like Them, They Don't Either
Your enemies are their enemies, no questions asked. ROOMMATE CODE.
15) You Argue About Things That Normal People Don't Care About
Who's right, who's wrong? Is it a tomato or an apple? The arguments are petty and unimportant, but in the end you have to be right and the other person's opinions are stupid.16) You Overlook Their Weirdness Because They Overlook Yours
Really nothing about them surprises you anymore and vice versa. However, you still need to warn your friends before they come over, the level of weird you're use to can be shocking to normal people.17) There's One Bedroom That Everyone Seems to Gather In
If it's your room, then I understand the struggle. Dinner is eaten in your room, studying is done in your room, movies are watched in your room. It's crowded and sometimes frustrating, but then when you're alone the room is too big and you miss your family.
18) You Can Make Fun of Each Other, But No One Else Can
My roommates are precious. One is a cute little ginger with a temper and the other is an alternative Russian vegan. I can make ginger jokes, I can make vegan jokes, I can make short jokes, but if you utter a word towards either of them in any type of mocking manner, you answer to me. We pick on each other with love, if you don't live with us, you have no right to pick on us.
19) Target Trips Are Often and Necessary
Target is good for the soul. Not your wallet, just your soul.
20) You'll Always be Each Other's Person
In the end, you know you're always going to be there for each other. Whether someone isn't cleaning their dishes, or taking the trash out, or constantly napping in your bed, you love each other. Because "Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten."
I love you little family!