Living with other people is never easy, but as a college student, it is often necessary. Over the years, I have lived with 10 very different roommates. Here are a few suggestions based off of my experiences.
Cultural Clash
Realize that people are coming from a variety of cities, states, and countries. This can be a huge a shock to some, but after the initial shock you have to learn to adjust to the people you will be living with. Cultural backgrounds sometimes clash. You might find some of your roommates value silence while others might get offended if you don’t speak when you come and go out of the house. Bottom line: be understanding to each other's cultural norms.
Bills, bills, bills
This may seem obvious, but paying bills on time is often a problem. Be respectful to the person whose name the bill is under, and if you’re going to be late with your half, tell the person.
Lets Talk!
One of the most important factors to living successfully with one another is communication. Talk about how you will be paying and when, online or in the mail, and do not let the responsibility fall onto only one person. If there is a problem in your house, just bring it up. Always bring things up in a respectful way, though; do not attack your roommate. You don’t want to burn bridges with the person you have to see every day. If you have a question, just ask them! Not communicating will only lead awkward and uncomfortable moments the whole year.
If you're used to mom or dad cleaning up after you, that’s going to change real quick. Simply clean up behind yourself every day. Chore wheels are a last resort. Don’t let it get to that; just be a grown up and pick up after yourself.
Sexiled/overnight guests
There is nothing more awkward than coming home from a long day and seeing a stranger inside your room, especially when that someone is of the opposite sex. When it appears that this mystery person will be staying the night in your room, that's even more awkward. If you plan on having overnight guests of any sex, at least give your roommate a heads up. If you’re ever in this situation, you have the right to say no if it makes you uncomfortable.
Golden Rule
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Luke 6:31
So basically be a decent human being and don't do anything you wouldn't want someone doing to you. Just remember, this roommate situation is only temporary!