Being the roommate of a nursing major is definitely an interesting and unique experience. She will be your very best friend as long as you do not awake her from their "clinical naps." Trust me, don't do it. Nursing students are some of the most hardworking and dedicated people on this planet and my roommate happens to be one. If you ever had a roommate, you know this person way more than you ever wanted to, but it's such a cool experience. Thanks for always being my best friend even when I'm supremely annoying.
I'd like to start off by saying thank you for being the Brennan to my Dale. Stepbrothers is not only one of our favorite movies, but we're so much like both of them. We always have fun and look out for each other. And even occasionally fight over stupid things. But we're better together just like Dale and Brennan.
I feel your pain after hearing that alarm go off at 5:30 in the morning because it's a clinical morning. I know you hate having to get up so early, but you do it with what seems like ease. The best part is hearing you trying to sneak around the room as to not wake me up. Truth is, I'm up too and I don't mind.
"Wake me up at 5 p.m." means you got home from clinical, was fed, and now needs to sleep...Forever. I learned the hard way that I should never ever wake you up before the assigned time. Not even at 4:59 p.m. Ever since our screaming match over waking you up a minute early, I will never wake you up again and you respect that.
I don't care that we won't be able to go out on a Friday night if you did not take your clinical nap. I know how tired you get on clinical days. Plus, we'll get to do what we like to do best: watch Disney movies, eat food, and relax.
But when we do go out, you're not allowed to drink Fireball in my presence. We both know (along with the rest of our friends) what it does to you and even though you don't listen to our advice, you at least acknowledge the fact that you and Fireball don't always mix."Are our neighbors really blasting music at 12 in the afternoon?" is one of my favorite things you have ever said. Only you would get annoyed at 21 year old college students listening to music during the day. Do they not know you need your nap?
Thanks for being the person who cooks with garlic even more than I do and for watching the Food Network with me daily. Thanks for sharing my dream of becoming a famous chef one day (even though I'm a Communications major and you're a Nursing major).
I am so glad we both love country music because it just makes things a lot easier when we go on road trips. I enjoy that we both also love listening to Disney Pandora. When singing a duet, it's understood that I'm the guy and you're the girl.
Since we're both graduating this May, we're starting to realize that we won't be living together next year. I'm scared to face the world this May, but I am so grateful for meeting you. The fact that we barely knew each other two years ago amazes me. We were forced to live together, but a long-lasting friendship blossomed from it.
I cannot wait to be wearing navy blue at your wedding in a few years and I'm sure you can't wait to wear purple at mine. Thanks for always being there for me and being my best friend from college and beyond.