Congratulations! You're now an upperclassman! You're most likely going to live in an on-campus or off-campus apartment. Either way, it's time to be an adult and learn how to survive on your own. No more meal plans or making mistakes. Now is the time that you have to "adult."
Believe it or not, living in an apartment is hard. But at the same time, it's fun! You may know your roommates or you may be living with strangers. Either way, since you all will be living under the same roof, there are many ways to bond with each other. Here are a few ways to bond with your college roommates when it comes to living in an apartment:
1. Decorate the living room for every season.
Believe it or not, this is one of the best parts of having an apartment. You can decorate the living room based on the seasons or even holidays. Plus, if you're going to decorate your room, make sure you have string lights to give your room the extra touch. Halloween is the best, in my opinion.
2. Host Taco Tuesday dinners.
You're going to have a kitchen, so why not? What's wrong with having Mexican food and alcohol (if you're legal obviously) on a Tuesday night? College is stressful, man.
3. Have Sunday dinners or a Sunday potluck.
This is a great way to end the week. And it's a great way to find out who can cook and who can't, if you know what I'm saying. There's a reason why you have a cute little dining table in your apartment.
4. If you guys can't go home for Thanksgiving, have a "Friendsgiving."
And then watch a movie while eating. Having an excuse to eat sweet potato pie is the best.
5. Have a game night!
Try to schedule a night where everyone is free so you guys can play. Not just regular card games, but try "Kings" or "never have I ever." That night can end up good or bad.
6. Go grocery shopping as a group!
Nothing is more fun than buying food for the apartment (that you're willing to share, obviously).
7. Have weekend movie nights.
Or every night...
8. Study session in the living room!
This is a great idea, but to be honest, I actually NEVER get work done when I'm home because I'm more distracted. I'm also prone to goof off with my friends, so maybe I'll stick to the library. This one's up to you.
9. Buy extra furniture for the apartment.
10. Make sure you set reminders or have a list of what everyone should do to keep the apartment clean.
Set rules like who takes out the garbage or how you want things to be handled around the apartment.
11. Make a suggestion box if you have any more ideas!
There's always room for more ideas!