When students are moving onto campus they hope that they get a room to themselves. They want all the space and privacy they can get for college life. However, maybe having a roommate is not so bad and I am going to give some reasons as to why having a roommate is a good thing
It gets really lonely after a while when you are in your room by yourself. Having a roommate eliminates that feeling because you know you will always have someone in there to welcome you back after a long day. Even when you are stressing about something in particular, you can always vent to your roommate no matter what and they will listen.
Whenever your are sick, who is going to take care of you? Your parents? Probably not since they are many miles away from you. They expect you take care of yourself now that you are independent. But you know who can take care of you while you are ill? Your roommate! They will be gladly to help you get better.
Borrowing items! If you do not have a certain thing, odds are that your roommate has it. But do not forget to ask if it is okay to borrow the items that you need. You can borrow things like, hair ties, sticky notes, Clorox wipes, paper, etc.
These are just a few reasons why having a roommate is a good thing. For some it can be complicated to share a space with an unknown person but once you start talking and trusting your roommate it is going to be great! They will help you study, make you be motivated even when you are down, and best thing all of all, they become one of your closest friends!