Dear college roommate/best friend,
There are so many things I want to say to you that would probably be enough to write an entire novel. I want to thank you, tell you how appreciated you are, and let you know you're the best there ever was, is, and will be. I can't even find the words to express how much you mean to me. Your constant patience and kind heart make me wonder how I got so lucky to have someone by my side every day.
Thank you for being the person who can tolerate me enough to actually live with me... (my own family complained about me LOL).
Thank you for always replacing the toilet paper in the bathroom whenever I forget and never getting mad at me for it.
Thank you for letting me lay in your bed and distracting me from homework when I don't want to do it. Thanks for driving me everywhere. Thanks for the constant laughter and the continuous memories we get to share every day. Thanks for being the one I can turn to when I'm upset, happy, sad, mad, excited, anything. You are my go-to person and living just one room away makes it that much more comforting. There are not enough "thank yous" in the world for me to be able to tell you how much I appreciate you and our awesome, crazy, hilarious friendship.
College would not be half as fun without you.
Our fun weekends out are a blast! I love being able to take the stress away from school and have so much fun with my best friend. We can dance, sing, laugh, and enjoy the time we have together. College would be so different without you and to think we are just beginning our journey. The next three years are going to be even better!
Moving away from home and from our friends was scary and extremely nerve-wracking at first. But being able to bring you along for the ride with me made it easier and exciting. Living together has been the best thing that has ever happened to us. We've not only gotten closer but we've become more like sisters.
We understand that we don't have to spend every waking moment together, but we also know that we're both right next door (literally) if we need anything. You are so appreciated and I hope that you never forget it. Thank you for the best years of my life! I wouldn't want to room with anyone else.
Your forever friend