Your twenties are your adventure years. These are the years to stay out til 6 a.m. when you are supposed to be waking up at 7 a.m., to live off of McDonald's at 11 at night, and to spend the little bit of money you do make at your minimum-wage job on once in a lifetime adventures. The only thing more important than making sure you do these kinds of things is making sure you have the best kind of people surrounding you to do these things with. In your twenties, your best friends basically become your lifeline once you finally move out of your parents' house and live on your own. No need to take on this new stage in your life and go through it alone when you can move in with your best friends who are going through the same transitions. It's not guaranteed every time, but for the most part moving in together will strengthen your friendship.
When you decide to move in together
When it's actually move-in day
The glorious moments when you no longer have to get ready to go out by yourself
Dance parties anytime you want
Going insane at the bar/fraternity houses when they play your favorite song that you always have to blast through the house
Suddenly your closets just all merge together and you never have to wear the same thing twice again
They get your brand of humor
You don't even have to wait for them to respond to your texts because you can just go to their room
They love you despite knowing what you look like first thing in the morning
You can be as needy as you want and no one outside of the comfort of your abode has to know
They'll go to the ends of the earth for you, even with ridiculous requests
When you're sick but at least one of your roomies has watched Grey's Anatomy all the way through so she can basically diagnose you
They're the closest people who understand how neurotic your family is without being in your family
You basically become kind of famous because they always put you in their Snapchat story
They'll always have your back
Even if you're being self-destructive and not yourself
You are constantly surrounded by people who love you and only want the best for you
So why struggle through these years of firsts alone when you can conquer them with your best friends?