Dear Roomie,
Even though we’ve only been roommates since August, I feel like we’ve known each other for years. I’m beyond blessed that we became roommates because there is no one else I would want to share a room with or go on this journey of college with. I’m beyond lucky to have you in my life. I don’t think I say Thank you enough, so here’s a Thank you note to you, not only my roommate but my sister and best friend.
Thank you for going on fun adventures with me.
I can honestly say we’ve gone on some pretty cool adventures together. Whether it was walking around NYC, to see Broadway shows, to going to Concerts. I always know that you will be up to do whatever. I can always count on you for a good time, even if we’re just hanging out in our room.
Thank you for being straight up with me.
You definitely know what’s best for me. Whether it’s telling me to forgot about people who are you know I’m better than to telling me that the guy I like isn’t good for me, even though I might not always listen. You always seem to know what to say, and you don’t hold back to tell me it.
Thank you for always getting food and sharing food with me.
Whether it’s going to the dining hall together, and walking around trying to find something that interests us, but always ending up by the pizza. To going to get food at Bistro, at the most random hours, whether it’s 10 pm or 12 am. To sharing the food that your Grandparents send you back to our dorm with, I can always count on you for my favorite thing Food.
Thank you for the sing-alongs and dance parties.
The amount of dance parties we’ve had in our dorm is hilarious. I always know you’ll be up to singing throwback songs, to singing Fetty Wap. I’m lucky that we like the same type of music.
Thank you for our “random deep” conversations.
I wouldn’t always consider them always random, but they are always the funniest conversations. We talk about the most random things, and I’m never really sure how we get to the things we talk about.
Thank you for always being there to cheer me up, and listen to me vent.
Whenever I have a bad day, I always know that you will be there when I go back to our dorm to cheer me up. Even though sometimes I don’t want to talk about it, it’s always good to know you are there for me. Also, thank you for letting me vent about everything, and never judging me for it.
Thank you for being the same person as me.
That being said, thank you for always laughing at my jokes. I think yours are hilarious too. I think we have so many different inside jokes and code names for people it’s hilarious. Sometimes I think our brains are working the same, and that scares me in a good way of course.
Thank you for taking my sassiness.
I’m lucky that I’m roommates with someone who knows how to take my sassy days like a champ, and doesn’t give it back to me.
Thank you for the motivation.
You motivate me to do my work, even if sometimes I just want to sit in my bed, eat goldfish and go on Pinterest.
Thank you for always supporting me.
No matter what it is, we always support each other. I know you’ll always be my number one fan, and that I’ll always be your number one fan.
Thank you for watching the same shows as me.
I’m so glad that we both find interest in shows like "Grey's Anatomy" and "Bachelor," because it makes it fun to have someone to talk about these shows with.
Thank you for always having my back.
I always know you're there for me. Just being a text or a call away. That being said, I always have your back too. No matter what I'm always here for you. 5302 forever.
Thank you for being more than a sister, than a roommate.
I honestly couldn’t imagine not having you as my roommate, you are always there for me no matter what. We fight like sisters for five minutes, and then end up laughing about it. I always know that whenever I go to our room I’ll be greeted by you smiling, and when we aren’t together we are always texting and Snapchatting. I can’t wait for you to be one of my bridesmaids one day, because I know we will be friends forever. Thank you for loving me like a sister, I would be lost without you.
The best roommate you’ll ever have