A wall of bricks, pieces of trash on the street, and a dark, dingy alleyway –things none of us what to see as the view from our room. Unfortunately, this is the view many people experience each morning as they glance out their window and see the world around them.
However, the view from our room is largely determined by the eyes we choose to glance out the window with. Should we choose to look outside with gratitude and wonder, the wall of bricks becomes a great structure, maybe an office space where the next big thing will be discovered. The pieces of trash laying on the ground become signs of our luck, illustrating our great fortune to have such an over-abundance of items that it is okay to dispose of a few. The dark, dingy alleyway becomes the start of a journey, leading to a city filled with infinite possibilities.
With that in mind, a room with a view is not found by reserving the penthouse in the most expensive hotel or through buying a beach house with a balcony overlooking the ocean. Rather, a room with a view is built when we consciously choose to seek out the good in the world around us. A room with a view is found when we let stars fill our eyes as we find meaning in the mundane happenings of our day-to-day life and recognize that these occurrences are extraordinary human experiences.
Our perspective means everything when it comes to enjoying life and recognizing our daily blessings. Regardless of the situations we find ourselves involved in, as long as we maintain a positive outlook and choose to seek out opportunities for gratitude and happiness those are the outcomes we will find. Even though maintaining a sense of optimism may sometimes be difficult, it is always worthwhile as a positive perspective will lead to positive experiences.
As we move forward, constantly seeking “a room with a view,” it is important to train our eyes to see the view we want to experience in the room of our minds. It’s important to remember that a negative perception leads to a negative experience. Many things in our lives happen without our control and in order to benefit and grow from those experiences, we must be willing to remain positive about whatever may happen.
Despite where you’re at in life, what you see and how you look at things is up to you. Don’t be naïve and believe that everything in the world is good, but keep an open perspective that things can become better. The world you live in is largely up to how you perceive it.