Ron is hands down one of my favorite "Harry Potter" characters. I don't know if it's the red hair, or his unwavering support he gives his friends. However, besides his dynamic role in the "Harry Potter" series, he honestly has some of the best facial expressions of all time. Many of which perfectly sum up how college feels.
1. When your prof gives you your syllabus.
Yah, it's back to school! Oh wait, I actually have work to do. As you read your syllabus, you quickly realize you have two test, four quizzes, and 18 home work assignments due next week.
2. When your innocent friend isn't so innocent anymore.
This friend before she met you would never have dreamed about going out on a Thursday to partake in vodka cranberries and singing. However, now she is the one pulling you out of your bed while you are Netflixing. She is now that wants to add margaritas into taco Tuesday. What have we done.
3. "Class, close your books, it's quiz time."
Wait, what quiz? I didn't know we has a quiz? Basically this is the face I make every single time it happens, as if this was a new occurrence in college.
4. The first time you get a home-cooked meal.
Mom made all of this wonderful food and you have no idea where in the world to start. So you might as well shove it all in your face in one sitting. Oh and there is left overs? You best believe I will be taking some home in to-go containers.
5. When you find a Quizlet with all the study guide answers.
Study guides are long and extremely intimidating in college. It is so very exciting to find a Quizlet with all of the answers needed on it. It is basically like the time your parents bought you a cell phone that is how awesome this find is.
6. When you spend too much at the bar.
That's right, you're dead meat. When your dad realizes you charged $75 are the bar on Jack and Cokes you probably are dead meat. You really just want to avoid your telephone all together.
7. When you have to explain what you did the night before to standards board.
This wasn't talked about among your friends. Your stories don't line up. What do you do? You better hope that your friends come up with a pretty close story to yours.