In college, there are lots of tv shows that are the staples of college culture. These shows are commonly watched by everyone on campus because everyone can relate to their characters on a deep level. Today we discuss how Ron Swanson is one of those characters.
1. When your assignments quickly pile up.
Confused Parks And Recreation GIF - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphyWe've all been there. You're just chugging through life getting the work grind on, and then just like a brick to the face, you have 7 essays, six participations, 3 exams, 5 quizzes all in the same week.
2. When you don't want to go to the doctor because your parents aren't there.
Part of college is learning how to adult on your own. Part of adulting on your own is knowing when to seek medical attention and without the assistance of your mother answering all of the doctors' questions for you.
3. When someone takes your un-assinged assigned seat.
It is a common law that after the first week of school there is a set seating arrangement. It is an unspoken law, but it is just one everyone knows. If one is to break the seating arrangement law, they will face the wrath of the class. And by wrath we mean, dirty looks.
4. When you try to keep up with pop-culture.
Sometimes college preoccupies us from tuning into what is happening in pop-culture that when we come back to it, it's foreign to us.
5. "Please tell the class your name, major, and where you are from."
We all know this situation all too well. However, despite having everyone go around the room and tell everyone those simple fact, none of us are going to remember anyone. We came to class for the participation points.
6. When your professor moves a deadline back.
If you ever see someone on campus smiling like this, everyone knows a deadline got pushed back.
7. Trying to maintain a healthy diet.
Let's face it, eating healthy on campus is difficult, especially when you don't like healthy food to begin with.
8. Trying to find parking on campus.
Some campuses have great parking, and others do not. Sometimes your car is parked on the opposite end of campus and you have no motivation to drive due to the long journey ahead and also not remembering where in the parking garage you parked it.
9. Eating cereal for dinner.
FACT: Cereal counts as a meal at any time of day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and even dessert!