With the election coming up and all, I know I am not the only one stirring about our choice of candidates. Although Ron Swanson is the #1 hater of government, he sure has other great qualities that would make him a great candidate for our country. America needs you, Ron Swanson.
1. There would never be a shortage of breakfast food, let alone bacon and eggs.
2. He will always stick with his decisions, no matter what.
3. He was woman of the year.
How much more of a feminist could he be?
4. He will not put up with any sneaky acts, and he will never commit one himself.
5. He has a soft spot for puppies, just like the rest of America.
6. His life philosophies are quite inspiring.
7. He loves this country.
8. He would have the most bad-ass vice president at his side.
I may be jumping the gun here, but who would make a better sidekick than Leslie Knope?
9. And also the best campaign team.
10. He will be able to address tough situations, and not let his emotions overcome him.
11. There would be no taxes.
I think he has everyone on board with this one.
12. He will make sure your rights are protected.
Let me tell you, Ron Swanson loves his rights.
13. He would be the best to watch when encountering his competition.
I know I would be tuned into those debates.