The best and one of the most cliché metaphors is "Life is a roller coaster." Each of us is on this ride for life which takes us through the ups and the downs. Sometimes, the roller coaster will have unexpected twists and turns that take us by surprise. Other times, it will turn you upside down and cause fear and nervousness. Nonetheless, there are also moments on this roller coaster when things are slowly beginning to look up and the adrenaline begins to build up within, you just know this moment is going to be great. Then you reach the top which leads to more excitement... except you're actually experiencing a drop and the experience isn't always what you expected it to be while other times it's better than anything you could have imagined. Everyone goes through the highs and the lows of this roller coaster but no one ever really knows what point of the ride the person next to, in front of or behind them are going through. As someone who is somewhat in the middle of a constantly altering ride, this article is to reassure others that they aren't alone in whatever point they are at or in what they are feeling.
No one said life would be easy and even if each of us was given instruction manuals from day one I'm sure a lot of us would still have no idea what the hell we should be doing or how to go about things. Everyone is fighting their own battle, and yet, it's still easy to forget that each of us is never alone in whatever it is we're facing. There's someone else out there who is going through something oddly similar and there is someone else out there who already went through a comparable experience and made it through. Of course, the problem is that the chances aren't super high that you'll meet this person and gain that comfort in knowing "If they did it" or "If they made it through, then so can I."
Although that may not be the case, here are some words of comfort to remind you that everything will work out as it should, which I know is easier to hear than to really believe and trust to happen. First off, it's okay not to be okay. It's easy to get down in the dumps sometimes and to simply need a good cry or two. Secondly, although things aren't going too great right now, they will look up at one point or another. I know that sounds like a ridiculously vague thing to advise because there's no telling how long "eventually" really means. In reality, it would best to just feel better and to have things all come together right then and there. Unfortunately, but also fortunately, sometimes there's work happening behind the scenes that is meant to bring to stage a better show than you were expecting. So, coming from one of the most impatient people, be patient. All things come together in the time that they should. That may mean having to put up with some difficulties in the meantime but tip number three, it's all worth it. You'll catch your big break no matter what that means (maybe getting that promotion or even huge job offer or bumping into that perfect person at the most perfect time). Timing is a weird, mysterious thing but it has a way of working out to bring all things together.
Simply to bring it all around on a perfect, even number: fourthly, the best is yet to come on this roller coaster known as life.