It's a taboo subject. Lots of people engage in this act, but rarely do I hear anyone own up to it. I myself, have always kept this part of my life secret, fearing the worst if anyone found out.
She pauses.
... am a roleplayer.
You can imagine why I try to keep others from discovering this. What would people think? Their opinion of me would surely go down. I would stereotyped as one of those losers on the chess team, and most likely ostracized from my friends. But isn't that the problem? That we think less of people who might have different interests than our own? I love to write. And I am an extrovert. Add those two things together, and it's no wonder that I've joined the roleplaying community.
So here's a list of four things that I am, in addition to being a roleplayer. Hopefully, I break down any of your own assumptions that you might have formed about me just by reading the past couple paragraphs.
1.) I am a cheerleader.
Let's just knock this one out real quick. High V's, low V's, and anything in between. I love tumbling, jumping, stunting,
and giving insane facials to the crowd. I live for the rush of halftime,
and I yell as loud as I can from the sidelines. I wear my uniform with
pride - I am a varsity cheerleader after all.
2.) I am a dancer.
Tried and true dancer, since I was just seventeen months old. Ballet, jazz, lyrical, tap, even hiphop. It's one of my earliest loves, and the dedication and determination that I've gleamed from this sport has shaped me into the person that I am today.
3.) I am a performer.
This is starting to become less and less surprising.
I'm a theater person. I'm attending college for theater, and I interned at a theater up in NYC this past summer. Whether I'm giving a big cheesy smile to the audience as part of the ensemble, or belting out my heart, I want nothing more than bring an audience along in my journey. If I can help an audience forget their troubles for a couple hours, or lead them into discovering something new about themselves, that's all I ask. Performing is one of my dearest loves.
4.) I am a makeup/clothing enthusiast.
Although, I still don't get the eyebrow craze.
So there you have it. Stereotypically, roleplayers are known to be anti-social male teenagers. I am none of the above.
I don't see a problem with coming together with eight or ten people to tell a story. I've even made some valuable friends along the way. We have many priceless conversations and I love when my phone lights up with a new message from someone in our group. It's a incredible bond, and I am proud to call every single one of them my friend.
Alright, I'm going to sign off now. I have a post to write.