If you haven't taken this popular personality test, you need to. Right now. It only takes 12 minutes to figure out your personality type. Go to www.16personalities.com to find out!
And now that you know what type you are, check and see what your role might be!
INTJ - The Girl Who Could Run The World Chapter But Doesn't
You are one of the rarest personality types; and for good reason. You are very logical and a great problem solver, but you are naturally introverted so the idea of speaking your mind might scare you. You could easily solve all of your chapter's problems, but out of respect for those in positions, you hold your opinions to yourself. You might complain about the issues to your friends, but you would never want the spotlight on you so you don't stand up for yourselves -- and that's okay. Don't let your introverted ways get in the way of your leadership potential, though!
INTP -The Girl Who Never Thought She'd Go Greek
INTP's are very unique and quirky. One might even go so far as to say "hipster" so all of your friends were probably surprised that you joined a sorority. Although INTP's pride themselves on being imaginative and original, they are also open minded, which is probably the reason you ended up in your sorority.
ENTJ - The Girl Who Has Held EVERY Exec Board Position
As natural born leaders, ENTJ's take pride in having big responsibilities. You are great at earning the respect of your peers, and you love being in charge. You've probably been on (or aspire to be on) your exec board at least once, and have maybe even been Chapter President.
ENTP -The Girl You Can Count on to Argue With Someone in Chapter
You don't like the decision your standards board made? Don't worry, you can count on an ENTP to stir the waters. ENTP's are bold and assertive. You aren't afraid to speak your mind, and quite frankly, you like to speak your mind. You love to play devil's advocate. Your sisters can always count on you to keep things interesting in chapter.
INFJ -The Ultimate Philanthropist
INFJ's have a passion for doing good. You have strong values and you stick to them no matter what. You are willing to do whatever it takes to help out someone in need. Whether that person is a fellow sister, or a complete stranger, you can be counted on to help out. Just remember to take care of yourself along the way.
INFP -The Girl Who Sees the Best in Everyone
You are a great addition to your sisterhood. INFP's long to see the good in everyone, and as anyone in Greek life can tell you, that can be trying at times. Your upbeat attitude and positive energy make you someone everyone likes to be around, but unfortunately, you don't always feel the same way because you value your independence very highly.
ENFJ-The Girl Who Helps With Everything
You might not have a position in your chapter, but without you and your selfless nature, your chapter would not run nearly as smoothly. You love to help people and feel rewarded from seeing others succeed. You don't need recognition to feel valuable, which makes you a vital part of all the behind the scenes work that goes into leading a chapter.
ENFP -The Happy Go Lucky Girl
You likely joined a sorority for the friendships, not the resume builders. Although you have great leadership potential, ENFP's tend to be carefree and not likely to take on large responsibility unless they have to. You are along for the ride and bring positive energy to everyone you interact with.
ISTJ - The Girl You Can Count On To Get Stuff Done
ISTJ's are notoriously reliable. You are probably the girl everyone goes to when they need something done. You take responsibility and will always get the job done right. Your chapter needs name tags made? You're on it. Exec needs someone to get attendance? No biggie. Anything your sisters need you are willing to do.
ISFJ-The Girl Born To Be A Big
As an ISFJ, you have spent your whole life wanting to nurture. You can't wait to have kids and be a mother. Until then, though, being a Big is the next best thing. You take pride in your Littles and show people pictures of them like they you're actual children.
ESTJ - The Girl Born to Lead
You probably joined your chapter with the intention of joining the executive board as soon as you can. You probably strive to be president of your chapter, and you're likely to do a great job! ESTJ's are natural born leaders and work very well with others -- making you the perfect candidate for an important leadership position!
ESFJ - The Girl Everyone Loves
ESFJ's are notoriously popular. People are drawn to your charm, kindness, and humor. You find it easy to make friends so it only makes sense that you have the entire chapter wrapped around your finger. When you were a new member, you were probably the one all the older members fought over because they all wanted you as their little.
ISFP - The Girl With The Best Crafts
You are crafty and creative. Your sisters know they can go to you when they need help with their little crafting. Or with making a cooler. You are ALL OVER cooler making. You have all the answers when it comes to all things creative. All of your sisters are probably jealous of your artistic ability.
ISTP - The Girl Who Can Always Find Fun
ISTP's live for spontaneity and fun. You tend to participate in "risky behavior" but your charismatic personality makes it so you are always able to escape consequences. You don't need to go out to have a good time, as long as you have your friends, you can find fun in any situation. You love fun, but you don't necessarily like to be the center of all the fun. Making sure your friends have fun is more important to you than having fun yourself.
ESTP - The Girl Who Always Has New Ideas
ESTP's are great at coming up with new and exciting ideas. You would be a great asset to your chapter's PR council whether that be helping to come up with great new T-Shirt designs, photo challenges, or whatever else your chapter does to promote yourselves! You are spunky, energetic, and easy to work with which makes you a great person to have in a group setting.
ESFP - The True Party Animal
ESFP's live for the party. Whether that means a literal party, or just a bunch of your friends hanging out in sweat pants, you are the life of the party. You love to be the center of attention and you can bring fun energy to any situation. You are always there to lighten the mood in chapter, to cheer up a sister in need, and to liven up a dull weeknight at the house.