As we make our way into the third quarter of 2016, the much-hyped new Star Wars film, Rouge One, draws closer. Set to release on December 16th, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated movies of the year-- and without completely bombing after the second weekend of its release (yes, Suicide Squad, I'm looking at you). So what do we know so far?
"But wait", you cry in hypothetical confusion, "didn't both Death Stars get blown to smithereens?" And hypothetical you would be correct-- Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian respectively were responsible for the obliteration of the two weaponized space stations. Rouge One: A Star Wars Story is set not too long before Episode IV begins, with a group of rebels stealing the Death Star plans from right underneath the Empire's nose. But this particular tale is told from a very different perspective than the usual Star Wars films and animated TV shows.
In every Star Wars film since the original movie hit theaters way back in '77, it's been about the clash of the ethereal titans that are the Jedi and the Sith. Rogue One, however, tells the story from the perspective of a rebel soldier. Or, to be more accurate, from the point of rebel-since-birth Jyn Erso, played by Felicity Jones. The story is more about the struggle of the rebel forces against the well-disciplined Imperial army. In this sense, it seems like Rogue One will be a much more "grounded" film than the rest of the Star Wars saga-- as grounded as you can get in a world filled with cities built on clouds and countless single-biome planets. But the focus on the military side doesn't mean that the Jedi and Sith are done away with altogether. In fact...
Yup, the great Sith apprentice himself returns to the bigscreen this September. While it is unknown what exactly his role will be in the film (although probably something that leads to his chasing Leia's ship at the start of Episode IV), what IS confirmed is that Vader will not be the only recurring character. Senator Bail Organa, adopted father of Leia Organa, is confirmed to have a cameo in the film as well. Grand Moff Tarkin, Darth Vader's Imperial adversary played by the late Peter Cushing, is rumored to be featured in the film as well, possibly via CGI. Another character, Saw Gerrera, played by Forest Whitaker, is a character seen multiple times in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. That particular character has a rich bit of history with Anakin Skywalker, before he became the fearsome Lord Vader, so it'll be interesting to see if their characters interact and acknowledge each other or not.
So there you have it. Everything we currently know about the new Star Wars movie. Be sure to pre-order your tickets before December, and may the force be with you!