Perhaps one of the most perfect movie musicals with a cult following, The Rocky Horror Picture Show was first released in theatres in mid-August of 1975. The film centers around a young, recently engaged couple who become stranded and eventually find themselves at a castle. Upon arriving at the castle, they discover it belongs to Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a transvestite mad scientist. From deception, lies and seduction to almost fancy dinners, Brad and Janet meet a wild array of characters preparing for their return to Transexual Transylvania. At first, it was a commercial flop, until the film began having showings at midnights, when audience members began “participating” with the film in 1976 at the Waverly Theater in New York City. This sparked an entire tradition that has given Rocky Horror the honour of being the film with the longest limited-release of all time. Since that fateful summer of 1975, fans of the film have showed up to showings, usually on Saturday nights, dressed up as the characters of the film, and actively “participating” with the film. Replies back to dialogue, eating along with the dinner scene. Another famous and commonplace tradition is the use of a “shadowcast,” who perform and lip-sync the roles of the actors in front of the theatre as the film is playing.
Here in Las Vegas, our local Rocky Horror is known as Frankie’s Favourite Obsession, which is housed at Regency Tropicana Cinemas, on Tropicana Avenue, off the I-515. Started in July of 2001, they have been at Tropicana Cinemas since 2004, their first show being on Halloween of 2001 at Cafe Espresso Roma in which the cast performed the Rocky Horror Musical Revue, with the blessing of the original producer of the film, Lou Adler. Frankie’s Favourite Obsession has been in the heart of thousands of Rocky Horror fans, holding shows every first Saturday of the month.
The latest show, which happened on 6 May, was a Classic Show: a no frills, authentic Rocky Horror experience. There are a multitude of shows, including Prom Night, Roulette Night, and the most popular of them all… the Halloween Show. At Frankie’s Favourite Obsession, you can get get just the show for $10. Prop kits are sold for $2 and include everything you need to actively participate with the film and instructions on how to do the Time Warp! Buttons are sold for $2, or you can get two for $3. The show is a guaranteed good time, so it would be perfect if you’re bored on the first Saturday of the month. Make sure you get there early, most (and by most, I mean pretty much all) shows sell out! You can find out more about FFO on their Facebook page or at their website: