On Feb. 17, Xbox One owners finally got the chance to play "Rocket League," last year's indie game of the year winner. Gamers that don't own a PS4 or a gaming-capable PC can now go hands-on with the game that subjectively has more replay value than any game from last year.
For those gamers, or anyone that is just getting into it, here's a few quick tips to some of the basic strategies that will help your stats get off to a good start.
Jumping on the kickoff: When starting as the center car, you can safely rush the kickoff if you jump as you approach the ball and pull back on the left thumb stick to pitch up. This will expose as much of your car as possible and should prevent the other team from scoring a quick chip-shot right off the bat.
The car on the far wing should use their boost in order to get to the ball just before the other team. If they cut the angle correctly, they can lob the ball over the defense and either get the play moving in the right direction, or score that so-called "lucky" goal.
Know when it's your turn to play: It's tempting to just rush at the ball non-stop. However, if one or two of your teammates are already trying to put a play together, it's better to hang back and be ready to take a shot, if the opportunity should present itself. This will also allow for you to turn back and play defense if the play doesn't work out the way it was intended.
Rule of thumb for this strategy: keep your position as best as possible. If you jump in to take a shot and miss, don't get too involved in the play. Back out and get ready for another chance.
Clear the ball into the corners: Never, and I repeat, never try to get the ball out of the corners of the defensive zone by throwing it in front of your own goal. If the other team has a guy hanging back (as they should), he'll be more than happy to take advantage of an easy angle.
Alternately, if you're making an offensive run up the boards, or in a scrum in the corner, do everything you can to get the ball to ride the curved corners and into an advantageous position in front of the goal for someone else to finish the play; don't try to chase your own set up: teamwork makes the dream work!
Save your boosts: Play changes directions quickly. Not having enough boost to get back in time to make a save can be costly. Slamming the ball into your own goal is worse; try your best to get next to the ball and side-swipe it towards the side of the net it's closest to. Likewise, if your teammate gets a breakaway, or the ball rolls loose, you'll want your boost meter as full as possible to outrun the competition or grab a possible rebound.
Don't be afraid to play goalie:Someone needs to be the last line of defense. If your teammates are already working to get the ball out of the zone, hang out on the goal line in case the ball gets knocked toward the goal.
One of the best goal-tending techniques I've seen is to simply sit by the edge of the goal that the ball is closest to. That way, if the ball is hit around the corners, you'll have an easy angle to either make the save, or clear the ball.
Control your jumps: too often I see other players do quick double-jumps and let the ball go right over their vehicle. If you are patient on the second tap of the jump button, you can get much more air. Pair that patient double jumping with a tilt of the thumb stick and you can pull off impressively high bicycle kicks, to boot.
Of course, if you're playing with friends, the best strategy is to communicate. But when you're just playing a drop-in game, these strategies should help you work with silent strangers.