I entered a debate in one of my college classes one day. We were in Honors Seminar, and the topic was "Life and Work". An individual brought up the fact that stay-at-home mothers should get paid like they worked a full time job. This same individual also argued the fact that stay-at-home mothers deserved benefits. For the duration of this 50-minute period, every one of my fellow class-mates were advocating stay-at-home mothers. One of my friends in the seminar stood up, and angrily argued that stay-at-home mothers already had enough aid. If their husbands (or wives) made enough money to support the entire house plus some, then there was plenty to go around. The standpoint she thoroughly advocated, however, was that of a single mother. Not a single breath argued the defense of a single father. Now, my question to the general public is this:
We all hear talk about single mothers, but what happens when it's just a father on his own with his kids? Where is the talk then? I have two close friends(both male) who are, in fact, single fathers with full custody of their children. I pulled them both aside earlier this week and asked them their thoughts. [Names have been changed for identity protection reasons!]
Charlie, 26, of Taylorsville NC. is the compassionate father of a precious soul. When asked his opinion of how single fathers were viewed in society, he had this to say. "Personally, I feel bad for single dads. They get no where near the credit that single moms do and honestly I feel that sometimes we deserve more credit. I say this because in most cases, majority of guys would take the easy way out and not step up. To the guys who do step up, we have a much more difficult time filling the role of both parents. Adapting is hard."
Not all guys are really good with comforting most people, that's why we all go to mom, right? Single fathers, I believe, are discredited. If you think about it, 9 times out of 10, a court case will give the mother custody. All kids belong with their mothers, that's what they'll tell you.
So to all single fathers reading this, we thank you for filling the roles of both parents. While single mothers are appreciated too, the guys need a shout out every once in a while!