It’s big little season! Across the country (basically) there is immense excitement and warmth about welcoming all the littles to their new “fam”. But even though this is such an exciting time, what if you have no one to share all the joy with…. What if you have to go through the week-long process and ultimately reveal without you fam? What then?
^^^^ I have been there, actually, I am there now. My big and her twin are abroad right now, my gbig went back home for a funeral, my “first cousin” went out to dinner with her little’s parents reveal night, and my little was out of town the night of reveal. What a time to be alive, amright….
And I know this sounds so stupid in terms of problems. I hundred percent agree. This kind of problem is much less severe than world hunger, mental illness, death in a family, etc. But one thing that is very legitimate is that “my problem” made me feel very lonely, which anyone can tell you is one the worst feeling ever regardless of the reasoning.
So how did I cope? First thing (and probably the most important) was that I completely separated myself from the situation in order to distract myself. The night of reveal luckily, I was scheduled to work from 5-11 so I was gone during reveal itself (which is when all of the screaming and falling takes place).
So tip #1 would definitely be to avoid the noise (both literally and symbolically) of the situation if you can. Another important note is that you need to try and be happy for your friends and their families even though it's the last thing you want to do, but it works I swear. It is almost like reverse psychology almost. There is something very beautiful and freeing about actively trying to relate and support someone when you are feeling pretty crappy.
Also, another “perspective that helped” was realizing that when things don’t always go our way or don’t “match up” to our surroundings, we feel as if that is a reflection of our own character or our life as a whole. As if we aren’t as fun as our friends or something ridiculous like that. But, like the famous saying said, “appreciating other girls beauty doesn’t diminish your own”.
The same thing with life, just because you don’t have your family with you during big-little reveal doesn’t mean that you or your life is inadequate or boring in any way. It may feel that way internally. But, when is the last time you reflected on your own life? Did you raise your GPA, find a new hobby, learn a new dance move, teach someone how to dab properly, and those things are cool things too.
Just remember that everyone goes through hardships, and not having your big/gbig/ggbig or whoever on the night of reveal and just one little bump in the road. It's hard. But, it isn't like that forever.