2018: an age of social media, smartphones, and constantly advancing technology. All making our lives faster and "easier." But is it taking away our lives? Not in a literal sense but in terms of jobs. How many human jobs have been compromised on account of technology? In 2013, 47% of Americans jobs were put at risk due to computerization. Imagine how that number has multiplied in the last 5 years. This trend will continue, as researchers have already predicted that an astounding 73 million American jobs will be at risk by 2030 because of automatization. Is finding a way for a robot to do the same tasks as a human be really beneficial? Of course it's more appealing to companies as they don't have to pay a machine or give them any benefits; it's ideal right? Wrong.
Sure, a computer, robot, device, or machine can compute information at a significant speed and with great accuracy, but what are we losing by taking humans out of the workplace? The emotions, passion, connections; the crucial human interaction is eliminated. Not to mention jobs that people depend on to sustain their lives and the lives of their families.
As a future teacher, I worry that I might not get the chance to teach as I was taught. I grew up in the generation where technology exploded. I began elementary school learning on chalk boards which soon changed to white boards, then projector screens, and then smart boards. My eyes had to adjust to reading digital words as opposed to written, and by the time I was in middle school, there were iPads in the classroom.
I am an advocate for technology and its usefulness, even in the classroom. There are many online websites and apps that are very educationally friendly. Given that 99.9% of households have an electronic device, practicing schoolwork at home or on the go via an iPhone, iPad, tablet, etc is possible. However, I do not believe replacing humans with robots and machines is beneficial to the development of our world. We need people working with people; people teaching little people how to read, write, solve problems, and be a good individual. Human interaction is integral to the quality of the work done, and that is something a robot cannot do. Sacrificing a little extra time to get a job done by a human is well worth the benefits of the final product, and further the development of humans.
By working, we are constantly thinking, moving, collaborating, and learning. We are bettering ourselves and those around us, creating a more intelligent and productive society in more than just the literal sense. It's undeniable that our world needs technology, but our jobs belong to the people.