I love a good debate, obsessed with them actually.
I love the flow of ideas and I've always found other people's points of view to be interesting – even if I didn't agree. I ask myself, "Why do they think that way?" and try to see things from their point of view. To me, that's how you learn and grow as a human being.
Not listening to respond, but listening to understand.
Our country is divided because we aren't listening to understand. We aren't talking to get a point across. We're talking to hear ourselves think and we are either, A.) not listening at all or B.) just listening to respond.
Nobody wants to live in this pre-civil war era where we are constantly afraid of stepping on someone's toes. Feeling as If we disagree with someone, we'll get burned for it.
When I say "Civil War" I'm not talking about the one that was fought over state rights back in the 1800s, I'm talking about the one that I think we could be headed into if we continue to divide ourselves. We are ALL fanning the fire here, both sides of the political fence are feeding the flames and aren't doing anything proactive to stop it. Protests become violent, because people are blind to what is in front of them. All they can see is what they want to see.
My issue with the left has always been that it's hypocritical, and you really can't argue with me on this.
"The government can't tell me what to do with my body, but I want the government to tell you what to do with your guns."
"Let's empower women! But Melania Trump is just a mail order-bride-bimbo."
"We want equality, but also a leg up for all the years that I've been wronged if you catch my drift."
"We should take care of the poor," they tweet from their vacation homes.
"Girls are the future," they say as they march for abortions.
"Everyone's opinions are important – all of our stories are powerful. Unless you're white – check your privilege girl."
At what point are we going to step back and realize that the left is just a bully? They are fine and dandy as long as everyone is getting along and agreeing, but our society and our country were built on the idea that everyone should be able to speak their minds freely.
If you haven't figured it out, I'm a conservative.
I'm also pretty outspoken, so it shouldn't come as a shock that in class or anywhere else, I say what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. In 2013, as a bright and shiny college freshman, I've never been afraid to tell anyone, a teacher or a student, that I didn't agree with them.
The reactions that follow have always shocked me. I've been called, "human trash," "Ignorant white bitch," "uppity white girl," "racist bitch," etc. All because the words that came out of my mouth were "I see what you're saying, but I don't think that's true."
How can a political party, whose basis is that everyone is equal, important, tolerated, and loved –be taken seriously when they do and say the things that they do? I'm not fooled by it, and neither should you.
Don't be afraid to stand up and say something if you don't agree. Conservatives might be the minority on campus, but it doesn't mean that we have to be silent about it.