I drive a lot! I drive to and from school on weekends, to and from work, just to the store, lots of places. I am also an observant person and the more that I drive, the more I realize how much people may not actually understand about the smaller rules of the road, so I thought of the 5 things that bother me the most when I'm driving.
1. Steer Clear Law
This is the one little rule that I learned about one day when my father got pulled over for it. Luckily, he got nothing out of it, but still.
This keeps emergency responders safe. The gist of this law is basically moving over whenever you see flashing light on the shoulder or in a lane of the road. For instance, if you are on a highway and you see someone pulled over on the shoulder, you are traveling in the right lane, then you should move over into the left lane of traffic. What if there is no way to get over? Slow down!
2. Turn on your headlights
This is by far the biggest pet peeve that I have when driving! Did you know that the Pennsylvania state law says that if your windshield wipers are ON then your headlights must also be ON! One other thing, if it is dark out, TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS! YOU ARE SAVING LIVES BY DOING THIS!
3. Construction zone laws
Something so important and near to my heart, considering most of the males in my family work in construction. All you have to do is read the signs and follow what the flaggers are telling you to do. Most importantly, if the sign says to turn on your headlights in the work zone, just do it. Not following directions in a work zone could cause double the fine and loss of license, making it much easier to follow the directions.
4. School bus stop
Everybody knows what those red octagons with the white border and the big white letters "STOP" mean, right? Not only does this rule abide that you stop at an intersection, but you much stop when a bus has flashing lights and that same sign is sticking out on the side. This is all for safety. Just think if you would have a child that gets off of the bus and needs to cross the street, you would want everybody to stop for them. Not stopping would cause a fine, license suspension, and points added to your license.
5. Driving under the influence
The final and biggest pet peeve that I have while driving, driving under the influence. When you step behind a wheel while under the influence you are not only putting your life in danger but everybody around you. Know your limit! Or even better, go check out this BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) chart to find out what your real limit is. Just take a glance. at the chart above, need I say more about how important it is to not drive above the influence!