When you're a transfer student, you typically don't know anyone at your new school. For the first few weeks at your new campus, you usually think "what have I done?" If you've experienced this, then you are not alone. I was in your shoes a little over a year ago.
One of my best recommendations to you, whether you're male or female, or don't identify as either, is go Greek. I know, you've seen the movies and the horrible articles about hazing, but I can tell you from first-hand experience that that is not what defines Greek life.
What defines Greek life is the relationships you build and the experiences you have, which is something I can never thank my sorority, Sigma Delta Tau, enough for. Thanksgiving break is looming and I've recently been thinking what I'm thankful for and my sisters are always on the top of my list.
November 17, 2013 was when the Delta Mu chapter of Sigma Delta Tau was founded. I was a senior in high school at that time who was crying herself to sleep every night because she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. Three years later, here I am sitting with my roommates (who are also my sisters as well) and having the time of my life, all thanks to Sigma Delta Tau.
The mission of Sigma Delta Tau is to empower women and I can vouch for this wholeheartedly. I was bullied in high school and middle school and never lived up to my full potential. Through the new member process, I realized that I was capable of being leader. Had I not joined SDT, I may have never known this about myself.
SDT has made me a stronger, better-rounded version of myself and it has helped me in every aspect of my life. This past weekend, I participated in a National Model United Nations conference in Washington D.C. The group of delegates I was working with wanted to work on women's empowerment and because of SDT, I was able to provide valuable insight.
My sorority has made me a better person overall. I've become dedicated to the causes our philanthropies support, I've taken a further interest in women's empowerment, and I want to dedicate my life to helping people the way this sorority has helped me.
Going Greek was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I know that my sisters will always be beside me and I can't wait to see what life holds for us. Happy Founders Day, Delta Mu, thank you for everything.