A couple of weeks ago I began to binge watch the television show Riverdale, on Netflix. As I watched, I noticed similar characteristics about the town of Riverdale, and the town of Hilton Head Island, where I grew up. I was humored by some of the coincidental similarities between the two towns and noticed more and more as the show progressed.
I'm sure I am being extremely closed-minded by thinking that Hilton Head is the only town similar to Riverdale. So, If you are from a smaller town, you may think some of Riverdale's characteristics depict your hometown as well!
1. The Local Diner is a Popular Hotspot, and the Milkshakes are Favored
In Hilton Head, you are most likely to find half the high school at the Diner past 11 pm!
2. Every Weekend Consists of;
- Fridays at the HS football game.
- Saturdays at the Movie Theatre.
- Sundays watching HBO.
3. Inappropriate Student-Teacher Relationships.
There are so many other similarities between Riverdale and Hilton Head, but here are five that stood out to me!
How does your hometown compare???