The Rivalry And Rundown Of Ohio University's Greens
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The Rivalry And Rundown Of Ohio University's Greens

Lincoln, Tiffin and Bromley, oh my!

The Rivalry And Rundown Of Ohio University's Greens

With only two weeks left until Welcome Weekend at Ohio University, one question will be ringing through the air throughout that entire first weekend. A segway into making new friends and finding out more about your new Bobcat crush, "What green do you live on?" is the best icebreaker out there.

But once you have that information, and your own room assignment, how do you know what the best green is? A rivalry between greens on Ohio's campus has been brewing for years, complete with chants (think "West is best!") to lead the forefront. Here's a comprehensive guide to understanding the green you live on.

West Green

West green is home to residence halls such as James and Sargent. Boyd also survives on West green's soil and is known for its chicken fingers, said to be the best on campus. Rumored picture-perfect touch football games take place on the green space between the dorms.

Pros: No suffering on large hills that need to be walked daily, and the stadium and convocation center are so close by, not to mention the Ridges are close, sending spooky vibes throughout the green.

Cons: It is a longer walk to get to Court St. and dining halls, and who enjoys a long walk to food when they're hangry from eating only peanuts all day?

South Green

Despite having a tarnished reputation among Bobcats (AKA Dirty South), South Green evokes college campus stereotypes with its beautiful bike path and the camaraderie on south beach volleyball courts. The "Front Four" is what 10-year-old you imagined college dorms would look like.

Pros: 24/7 Breakfast at Nelson is only a skip, hop and jump away from the dorms — think of all the waffles. Also, four new dorms are opening up this fall, which means a better chance at having AC as a freshman!

Cons: Two words. Morton Hill. Daily you will face the struggle of walking up Morton in the hot heat or fighting its waterfalls during Athen's rainy season. Don't worry though, the calf muscles are worth it.

East Green

Perfect to watch students tight line through the trees or skateboard down the road, East Green is a row of perfect brick residence halls whose historic look matches the historical names they've been given. East Green also gives a home to some of the ghost stories that make Ohio University one of the most haunted campus in the nation.

Pros: Being closer to classroom buildings is a real plus for East Greeners, but the biggest plus is probably the food that resides within this green. Shively's mashed potatoes and ice cream bar steal the show, along with the Grab 'N Go subs that make eating between lectures both delicious and a breeze.

Cons: Much like South Green, East Green has a monster of a hill to deal with. Jeff Hill is so famous for being steep that there are shirts out there dedicated to the climb — "I survived Jeff Hill."

(North) College Green

While it isn't a typical residential green, College Green is the most picturesque of the four. With the symbolic gateway, our campus' seal and Cutler Hall marking College Green, it makes even the newest Bobcat hold pride in knowing OU is their home away from home.

Pros: Being able to sit outside and relax throughout the green is great for people-watching and close to the library for last-minute assignments.

Cons: There are a lot of squirrels on College Green, if squirrels can even be considered a con when they're just so darn entertaining to watch while enjoying some Whits.

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