For just a moment, reflect on your entire life up until this very moment right now. How many risks have you taken? How many times can you recall that you chose the riskier route, rather than just playing it safe and keeping yourself comfortable? How many times have you tried something new or different, or maybe something you're afraid of doing because you aren't sure of the outcome of it? Technically, every decision we make is considered a "risk" because there isn't just one answer for everything. There are many different outcomes for many different decisions. Sometimes we're in control of these outcomes and sometimes we're not, but we are always in control of the decisions we make to receive what occurs after.
Change and diversity are really good things that will, in the long run, benefit you in ways that you may notice and some ways that you wont. Regardless, these are some of the things that come with taking risks. Although change may be uncomfortable at first, we all need it. In life, nothing ever stays the same forever. Whether it be your career, relationships, friends, dreams, hobbies, education...everything is always changing. You are always changing.
If you attempt to constantly keep things the same or you stay away from things that test you, you won't get any better. You have to take risks in order to learn and grow. Even in bad situations when you take a risk and it ends up blowing up in your face, you still learned from that. You learned not to do it again. You learned to get back up stronger than you were before taking that risk. Every risk that you take, whether it's good or bad, you will take something from it and every time you take something from it you grow; that's a fact. You have to try things in order to learn.
Not only will this help you grow, it will keep your life interesting and fun while giving you so much experience with life. It makes you wiser, stronger, and better than the person you were yesterday. So maybe what you should do is every day, or maybe even just once a week, seriously try something new. Try something you're afraid of or even something you've just always wanted to do but you let things get in the way of it. If you have any big decisions you have to make right now and you really want to go with the riskier choice but you're too afraid to, pick the riskier option instead of the "safe" and "comfortable" option.
We all have to take risks in order to grow. It's now or never.