Have you ever secretly wanted to be a mermaid? Well, now you’re in luck. No, seriously. You can be anything your heart desires. You really can be a mermaid, thanks to a trend that was popular this summer.
Stars, including Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Vanessa Hudgins, and Hilary Duff, have rocked the mermaid hair look. Now ordinary people can too.
The look is created first by bleaching hair blond for the canvas. Then, a hairstylist creates ombre with many colors including teal, green, pink, and purple:
There are quite a few blogs and Do- It-Yourself tutorials online about how to get the look. When I saw mermaid hair on my Pinterest and Instagram feeds, I felt left out. Even men are getting in on the mermen trend, dying their hair and beards different colors:
I bet I know what you’re thinking now. I want to dye my hair! There are several issues to consider first. Are you willing to bleach your hair platinum blond, then bleach it again? Indeed, the process can dry out your hair. People I follow online who have partaken in the mermaid/ mermen trend say they have to use special shampoos and conditioners. If you do decide to parktake in the trend, make sure that you are100% honest with your hairdresser about the history of dying your hair.
What do you think? Would you be willing to beach your hair and use special hair products to look like a mermaid?