Before we get into the juicy details of the Rinsta Vs. Finsta debate, I should clear up exactly what these two words mean:
Real + Instagram = Rinsta
Fake + Instagram = Finsta
A fad that started in 2015, has continued to grow into the year 2017 and I never want it to end. A finsta is a second instagram account that people make, along with having a rinsta. On a finsta account, you can post any pictures or videos you desire without having to worry about what you look like, and you don't have to keep an "aesthetically" pleasing theme. The pictures that are posted on a finsta are usually funny or embarrassing. This means that you usually only let your closest friends follow this account.
The list of things to finsta is a long and never ending list because there are no boundaries or rules that stop you from posting. Drunk selfies, hungover selfies, face mask selfies, unflattering selfies, ugly snaps you receive from your best friend, mediocre dinners with the caption "bone app the teeth", and much, MUCH, more.
A rinsta is used for displaying beautifully crafted selfies that have been precisely edited and then sent to multiple group texts for friends opinions and approvals. Not only does the picture have to be perfect, but the color scheme has to align with previous posts to create a page that "flows". But the long process of choosing the right filter and caption gets completely thrown out the window during a finsta post.
There has been a big debate recently, on whether the finsta fad should continue, or if it should be left behind and allow instagram to go back to its own ways of only showing people the "good stuff". Personally, I love the finsta idea. It’s a place where you can put your guard down and not worry about how many “likes” you will receive.
The finsta trend is very similar to the trend that fitness models, and instagram models started that involved them posing in unflattering positions that is supposed to show their followers that not every angle is their best angle, and that not everyone is perfect. This is exactly what a finsta is for!
Although I do see the other side of the argument, that you shouldn't have to create a separate account to show your followers who you really are, it's just for fun and games!
I can't help but sing, "this is real, this is me" by Demi Lovato every time I post a finsta because it's truly showing people the unedited and carefree side of me. I think finsta is a good platform to be yourself, and really have some fun with the close friends you let follow your account.
Although it's nice to have people THINK your life is put together on your rinsta, when you scroll down your finsta feed and see other's posts, it's heartwarming to see that people don't have it all together either.