Upon transitioning friend groups, I have discovered a modern social phenomenon. Light has been shed upon the DUFF, but not the ringo. There is a certain special someone to whom I would like to dedicate this distinct honor, the person who lead me to this epiphany. However, they shall remain anonymous for the sake of decency.
My original ringo was there when I entered the friend group. The Ringo wasn't someone I really felt like I needed to spend time with, but it was a package deal. As I became more familiar with my new friends, I realized I didn't like our ringo. Our ringo was rude to the point of bullying, and did not contribute anything to our group. He/She was a leech upon us all, and oddly, no one ever said anything. Maybe we were afraid to hurt feelings, maybe we feared alienation from the group, maybe we just didn't want to start drama.
I kept my silence, and subjected myself to bullying. I thought, no one can see when it's happening, what if they don't believe me? What if everyone has to pick sides, and they don't pick mine? As long as I can take it, is it really bullying?
I regret that to this day.
My ringo revealed themselves rather loudly and publicly one day. Suddenly, the way I was treated was common knowledge. It was miraculous. I had evidence. I had condolences. I knew I wasn't alone in my perception of this person.
Honestly, I hope they find some meaning for their life; learn how to treat other people. If they continue like this, life is going to be lonely.
My unhappiness turned out to be pointless. There was finally open dialogue, and I wasn't alone.
The whole thing became quite puzzling. How did our resident ringo enter the group? They were invited to everything, because to not invite them seemed like too much of a statement, but who brought them in the first place?
Therefore, I formally introduce the ringo.
Ringo -- (n.) a person who is never who never contributes anything positive in social situations, often causing others to ponder their continued presence in a given group
This knowledge is provided to aid in the identification of ringoes, so that one may know how to deal with such persons, as they have recently been determined to exist in a significant portion social circles.
Ringoes shall not be tolerated. There is no reason to subject yourself to the life force draining influence of a ringo. When confronted with one, protect yourself first. There is no need to be intentionally rude. However, if you are hosting an event, you should not feel pressured to invite those whose company you do not enjoy. Be empowered. If you don't need the bridge, don't want or like the bridge, why should you care if it burns?
Note: The author of this article has nothing against Ringo Starr. The concept displayed in popular memes is merely applied to the subject.