Happy New Year! 2016 was a year of many unexpected twists and turns, but I am thankful for the lessons I learned. But now many people are putting a lot of expectations on 2017 to be a better and brighter year. However, putting too many unrealistic expectations can make us less appreciative of the New Year and the good things that happen throughout it.
Every year people make resolutions that often are abandoned and forgotten by March. Gyms see a spike in membership purchases but most of those memberships stop being used just a few weeks later. This is because many people see the New Year as a chance to make big changes in their life, but lose their momentum by setting too many unrealistic goals. People also stress themselves out at the beginning of the year by trying to balance their long list of goals, which is another reason they burn out by Spring.
Practicing better self-care is probably one of the most important goals you can make for yourself this year. Whether it is through eliminating things that cause you stress, making better choices for your health, or spending more time doing things you love, find a way to put yourself first. Take a few minutes each day to center yourself and remind yourself of what really matters.
While it is always important to make plans for the future, it is just as important to put your health and happiness first by not stressing yourself out. Life is meant to teach you lessons about yourself, so there will never be a time when everything is perfect. Keeping that in mind there are so many things that life has to offer and by keeping an open mind you can enjoy them so much more.