To My Team,
I cannot even begin to tell you what an incredible experience you have at your fingertips. Long practices, injuries, and freezing cold weather make it easy to forget how incredible this opportunity really is. But if you really think about it, we are unbelievably blessed to be a part of this team.
Not many people can say they were college athletes, an even smaller amount can say they played lacrosse in college, and a really small amount (so far) can say they played lacrosse at St. Mary's College.
Our team is something special. Yes, we fight and we get annoyed with each other and not everyone is best friends, but at the end of the day, we are an incredible support system for one another. I have made life long friends because of this team. Each of you brings something to the team and to all of us as individuals. We have a tremendous amount of leadership, comedians, listening ears, and enough brains to go around and the excitement I have for each and every one of you on and off the field is incredible.
You are all talented athletes, otherwise you would not be here. You have each made a place for yourself on this team, whether it was on the field or on the sidelines. At the end of the day, games aren't always going to go in our favor. We are going to have tough losses and injuries but we are also going to have exceptional victories both on the scoreboard and in each of our own personal ways.
When this team started four years ago, we were small in numbers and confidence. We fought hard through terrible injuries and a lot of games that did not go in our favor to get to where we are today. Spring will bring my final season on this team and after that, it is in all of the underclassmen's hands.
Being on this team isn't easy. It comes with challenges, sleepless nights, sore bodies, and sacrificing Friday night parties but the reward both on and off the field makes every practice in Angela or every game below 40 degrees worth it.
Don't take this sport, this school, or this team for granted. As I finish my last fall ball season, I realize that my time to play is dwindling. I have one spring season left until it's time to hang up my cleats. So let's show everyone how the Belles can ring their chimes!