When we see a ring on someone's left ring finger, we usually assume that they're married or engaged to a significant other. Which is totally normal. But sometimes that's not always the case. Sometimes it's just a fashion statement, or it's the only finger that a certain ring fits on. But sometimes, it can be a sign of a promise committed to only the person wearing the ring.
Many people who first see the ring on my left index finger may be confused at first considering I look so young. No, I am definitely not married and not even in a relationship. So, then, what other questions arise in their minds? Does it only fit on that one finger, is it a statement, etc. Well, it's a promise to myself.
When going through my mom's old jewelry one day, I came across a ring that she got when she was young. It's a beautiful ring made from Black Hills gold, and I only remember seeing her wear it a few times. When my mom passed away, we slowly started getting rid of her things. This mostly included clothes and toothbrushes and things like that, but we never really touched her jewelry.
So, I decided that I wanted to keep the ring for myself in case someone decided to get rid of her jewelry when I wasn't home. Ever since that day when I took her ring, I made a promise to myself. I decided that I would wear the ring on my left ring finger as a promise, and as a reminder. Every time that I look down and see that ring on my finger I'm reminded of my mom.
I remember the beautiful, Godly woman that she was and I'm reminded that I want to be just like her. I want to be strong, and have a faith as full and as real as hers. I want to have a smile that is contagious just like hers was. I want to light up the room whenever I walk in and be as kind as I possibly can be. Seeing that ring, twisting it around in circles during class... it makes me remember who she was and who she can continue to be through me. I used to think that since she was gone, it didn't matter if I did something she wouldn't think was best for me. It didn't matter if I was sad, because she wasn't here for me to talk to.
But I've realized that those things I told myself are far from the truth. It hit me hard (which is a good thing), that even though she may not be here physically I can still honor the morals that she taught me. I can still live in a way that would make her proud. And that's exactly what I plan on doing.
To those of you out there who have lost a parent, a friend, a cousin, a significant other... even though they may not be here in the ways that we want and need, we can still honor their memory. We can hold onto the things that they've left behind, such as an old sweatshirt, a letter, or even a ring. We don't have to treat them like elephants in the room, because that's not what they are or ever have been or ever should be. We can live in a way that would make them proud, we can live in a way that is best for us.
So hold onto those things. You don't have to hide their memories away in a box or in the deepest parts of your mind. Instead, embrace those memories and let them live on. Wear that necklace, frame that letter. Do anything you need to feel their presence with you.
That's what I do when I wear my mom's old ring. I remember her, her values and morals that were passed down to me. And with that ring, I promise to myself and to her that I will be the best me I can possibly be.