As I sit in a coffee shop taking a break from homework, I'm looking back on my 1st quarter as a college student. I can honestly say that deciding to go to Louisiana Tech was the best decision I've made so far. I have met more amazing people and had more exciting opportunities in the last two months than I could have ever imagined. If you are at the right school and with the right people, you will know almost immediately, or at least that's what I've determined.
As any incoming college freshman would be, I was very nervous about meeting people and making friends when I first arrived at school. Coming from a different state, I only knew two people at Louisiana Tech before I moved in, and one of them was my brother. I had heard stories from both of those people about all of the wonderful and exciting people I would meet, and Tech did not disappoint. I met my best friend at convocation the night before classes began and met the people I have formed bonds with stronger than those of the covalent type soon after. I have been submerged in such a diverse group of people and have learned so much about people in general as well as myself through them. They have celebrated victories with me, picked me up after losses, and pushed me to be a better me each and every day. These are the people who have made my school a home and the reason I was so ready to return to Ruston after the quarter break.
The people of Louisiana Tech are great, and the experiences I have met them through and shared with them are even greater. Between joining a sorority, becoming a senator in the Student Government Association, getting involved in Tech Leadership Council, and participating in service projects, I have been presented with countless opportunities that have caused me to grow as an individual and have allowed me to pursue things that make me truly happy. I have gotten to meet so much of the student body, many faculty members, and even connect with the community that surrounds the school.
My friends from back home tell me I have changed in the past 2 months, and I always respond with, "Good." If I have grown and evolved as a person because of the people and experiences my school has provided me, I know I am in the right place. Every day I am amazed at how much I have fallen in love with my school and the people I share it with. If my 1st quarter was this memorable and phenomenal, I can only imagine what my future at this school holds.