Everyone has heard the popular saying "right person, wrong time" at one point in their life. It seems to be the most common excuse for why relationships don't work out nowadays. But sorry to say, this is complete and utter bullshit.
If someone is the right person, shouldn't that mean that timing doesn't matter? If you really have a connection with someone and want to be with them, you should want to do anything to make it work with that person. If you don't want to put in the effort, the problem isn't timing, the problem is that it isn't the right person.
There's a lot of valid reasons for relationships not working out, but timing is not one of them. Stress in someone's life can lead to emotional unavailability. Someone might fear commitment because of past relationships. Someone might not be mature enough to handle a committed relationship. But for the right person, these issues shouldn't matter. Instead, people use the excuse that the timing was bad to justify not wanting to put in the effort to build a relationship with someone new.
I'm not saying that with the right person everything will be perfect and there won't be struggles in the relationship, because there absolutely will be; that's normal in any relationship. But with the right person, you'll make it work. You'll make it work because in the end you know it'll be worth it.
Bad timing is just an excuse used as a cover for the real reasons why a relationship doesn't work. There is no wrong time with the right person.
Whether you're the wrong person for them or they're the wrong person for you or if someone in the relationship is choosing not to invest their time in the relationship, it cannot and should not be blamed on time. It is always the right time if it's the right person.