5 Things You Can Do During This Last Month Of The Longest Year | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things You Can Do During This Last Month Of The Longest Year

Right now resolutions.

5 Things You Can Do During This Last Month Of The Longest Year

It's that time again; time to drown in Christmas cheer, whip out your wallets for those Holiday sales and start thinking of New Year's plans.This year is finally winding down to an end (whew!).

We have about a month left in what seems like the longest year of our lives. One of learning, realizing, exploring, and discovering. Although every year we say the same thing, this year in particular has been a very unique one. A chain of mega events took place throughout the word that arguably shattered the fields of politics, technology, sports, and entertainment. It seemed like not a day went by that nothing notable happened. From releases of so many amazing albums (shout out to you, Frank, Yoncé, and Tesfaye), scientific advancements, the rise of some incredible memes and the fall of vine, the Summer Olympics, to tragic events like the Orlando Nightclub Shooting and outbreak of the Zika virus and terrorist attacks worldwide, to the conclusion to a lengthy, ruthless presidential election, 2016 has been quite a wild ride.

As individuals, we can only hope to say that we've improved, whether it be academically (finals are soon, and I hope you're all hanging in there), physically, mentally, or spiritually. Every experience we have molds our personality, largely in part due to the social environment we are immersed in. Working on ourselves is the first step in working on our universe. Being a college student and following current news can consume us. With so much going on, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to look back at our accomplishments and use them to pave our path to growth. The only time we seem to really care is when January rolls around, and we compile the generic "eat healthy, go to the gym, be more positive" list of resolutions. However, if we were to do this, starting today, we can end the year with a bang. Why wait until January 1st to put down that bag of Doritos? Psychology says it takes approximately 21 days to adopt a new habit. Here are some things you can do today to start bettering yourself and embrace a hopeful new year.

1. Stop complaining and do something about it, or not

It's one thing to be annoyed that the lunch lady put pickles on your hamburger or that the weather has been dreary the past few days, but it's an entirely different thing to go about your day pointing out every little thing that bothers you. If you start focusing on things that make you happy, you will start to adopt a happier attitude. Plus, no one likes a Sour Sally.

2. Get off your lazy bum and start studying

Like, now. Stop putting it off. Once you stop complaining, you can start putting your energy into things that matter. It's finals season, which also means it's time to go into overdrive. Odds are, you've probably been online to avoid this growing pile of work. Try not doing that, and instead, break up your work into sections you can manage. Even if you're avidly studying, there is always room for improvement that can be carried out to next year. Try new study methods and see what works best for you.This will help you develop a system that works, so it's not Sunday night and you're suppressing tears while frantically flipping through your Calculus textbook.

3. Cut the fatty foods, fatty

I've found that a lot of people's resolutions are to "eat healthier." But this term is so broad. The human brain works in parts; it's easier to imagine that you're going to write the rough draft of your Greek Literature paper tonight than to say you can hash out the final draft sometime by the end of this weekend. In the same sense, you can tell yourself to avoid certain foods that don't agree with your stomach. If those warm yummy cookies in the dining hall are what's stopping you from achieving your weight loss goal, try to avoid the dessert section completely so that by the time January rolls around, you won't even be thinking about those heavenly creations, and your physical health goals will be more attainable.

4. Take chances

Now that you're got your school work and eating habits in check, you'll feel more confident about yourself. You're ready to experiment, to take chances. By taking chances, I don't mean try to see how many lectures you can sleep through before you realize you've screwed yourself over. Rather, try things that you've never tried before. Do you think belly dancing is cool? Well, why not try it? This could not only further improve your self confidence, but also you could make connections to people, thus bettering your social and academic life.

4. Explore

By taking chances, you'll find that where are a lot of things out there that you enjoy and want to try more of. There are tons of things to do in Boston, especially this time of year. Though it might not be a white Christmas here in Boston, you can still go ice skating, eat at a fancy restaurant for a couple of nights, or even try photo shoots with a group of friends. Starting an album of photos will give you an aesthetically pleasing Instagram, and will give you something to remember from the experience, and you'll be ready for a new year of expanding your horizons.

5. Find new ways to relax

It's all about moderation and balance. With juggling all the studying and extracurricular activities, you're definitely going to need some time to yourself. Find new ways to relax. Although going to a party or having Netflix marathons sounds appealing (Highly recommend The Office, OITNB, Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, That 70s Show, Shameless, F is For Family, Bob's Burgers, AHS, Friends, Black Mirror, House, Grey's Anatomy, the list goes on...), there are other things you can do to keep yourself busy while not actually being busy. Try arts and crafts, board games with friends, or baking cookies with your friends. It's not only a great way to wind down after a long week of work, but it also builds meaning in your life that you can continue to develop.

Well, that's all folks. I hope you found this mini list useful and keep it in mind for these next few weeks. And, like any exam, start studying early: start acting on your list. Don't push it off until a drunken New Year's Eve and wait until the gym is completely full in January to set foot in it. What are you waiting for? Stop whining, open up that notebook you've been avoiding like the plague, get your hand out of the cookie jar, try out for the Hip Hop dance team, venture beyond your comfort zone, and open up your pack of Cards Against Humanity. Live your life, because Harambe couldn't.

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