Living in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, has been nothing but an adventure. There is so much to do and so much to see. One thing that has made my experience amazing is how I get around town.
I bought a moped in July of 2013 and have fallen in love with it more every day. I find myself seeing the city with a new perspective when I drive around. While I strongly encourage you to consider making the next big item on your wish-list a moped, here are 7 thoughts you might have while riding around the city:
1. When you're on the way to class and see people walking...
2. When you ride to the battery on a beautiful, sunny day...
3. When people feel like it's necessary to cross the street when they do not have a green light because they underestimate how fast your moped can actually go...
4. When you pay $2.57 to fill up your gas tank and know you won't have to do it again for 3 or 4 weeks...
5. When people stare at you every time you take it out for a spin...
6. When everyone wants to ride with you to a party...
7. When you realize that you have fallen in love with your moped...