Life does not stop for anyone. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to just ride the waves.
Just like the ocean, life is complicated and convoluted, but there is always beauty to it.
Life can be full of catastrophes. Things do not always go as we would have wished them to and it can be dreadful. Just because life events do not go the way we hope for, does not mean life is abominable. Waves sometimes break, forcing broken shells to wash along with it. The broken shells cut up feet, make the sand look dirty. On the other hand, that does not mean that the waves will stop. The waves will keep on breaking, keep on bringing in whatever washed up things they may want. Although these shells may be broken, theres always someone who can find the true beauty they have. The things we want to label as bad in our lives, we can always find good things out of it too. It is up to us to choose what attitude we have towards what life hands us.
Learn to Balance on the waves
Life is full of ups and downs. Some things may be convent towards our life, while other things may be troublesome. The key to surviving every unexpected event is balance. When you finally learn how to balance out the wave, it will be a smooth ride. Knowing that the good may outweigh the bad at times or that we will be happier today than we may be tomorrow are part of a healthy life. If everyday went the way we wanted it to with no overload of events, there would be no such thing as this crazy life.
Some Waves May Crash Us Down
Have you ever stood in the ocean knee deep and see a really big wave coming towards you? You know that it is going to knock you down, there is no much you can do. It's too late to run back to shore, so you just have to take it. Sure, you get knocked down for about 5 seconds, but you stand right back up and ride the waves all over again. We sometimes think we are given things in life that are more than we can handle. We get overwhelmed with all the hardships in life and feel like there is no way back up. It may be a fight, but life cannot knock you down forever. You eventually have to get back up and start the fight over again. The waves that crash us down in life do not win, we do.
Don't Be Intimidated By the Size of The Wave
Some waves in life can be huge. We sometimes have doubts in ourself that it is something we will make it through. It can be mind-boggling, staggering, and horrifying, but it is not impossible to get through. We can make it through any obstacle life puts us through if we believe we can. Life will never give us complications we can not handle. No matter how big the wave is coming towards you, hold on tight and put up a great fight.
Catch The Wave And Ride It Out
Unplanned events always occur in life. Some good, some bad, but both things we have no control over. We don't have control of the things that happen, but we can control our reaction. Sometimes the best thing to do is go with the flow. let go of the bossy and ride it out. There are certain things in life that we can't control and that is okay. Life won't always be a fun ride, but with a positive attitude you can make it better.
The ocean is deep and mysterious just like life is. It may be hard, but we all have to learn how to ride our wave at some point in life. The best thing to do is hold on tight and have the best possible attitude though out the ride.