Rideshare for Tourists | The Odyssey Online
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Rideshare, The Best Way To Experience New Orleans As A Tourist

You always have a designated driver.

Amber LeBlanc
Amber LeBlanc

New Orleans is a place that I always wanted to visit. It's a bustling city with an infamous history due to its yearly celebration of Mardi Gras. It was a surprise when my husband bought us tickets to go and enjoy the city.

Our trip was short, just a three-day weekend and we wanted to make the most of it. Instead of renting a car we did rideshare. I found that I enjoyed it more than having to rent our own. There are benefits and drawbacks of doing rideshare, but the benefits outweigh the negative.

The number one benefit of doing rideshare in any new city is that you have an automatic tourist guide. If you get the right driver they will give you tips on where to eat, what to see, and history about the location that you might not now. As locals, they know the best places to go. They know what places are overrated and tourist traps. The hole in the wall local places are the best places to visit.

Another benefit of rideshare is you can save money. In a busy city, they often have parking garages and charge either by the hour or a flat rate daily fee, often in excess of $20. Plus, there is also a parking fee at most hotels or a valet fee. Rideshare will cost you for each ride but if you watch the app it will tell you when the most expensive times are, and you can get a ride at the time when prices are the lowest. Trying to find parking in general in a busy city, working your way through an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar car can be intimidating and frustrating. Rideshare takes away the stress that comes along with driving in a foreign city. If you aren't driving, you can get closer to the location you want.

Lastly and especially in a city like New Orleans, you have a designated driver. Things to do in New Orleans include eating and drinking, and more drinking. The city is set up for you to have a drink as you walk around. There are rows of bars on every street. If you are of drinking age, chances are you are having a drink in New Orleans. The rideshare driver will pick you up no questions asked and take you where you need to be.

The one downfall of a rideshare driver in a new city is the first and last day of the trip. When you first get into town if you can't check into your hotel right away, you have luggage. It is the same for the way back. Hotel checkouts are often late morning and depending on your flight you may have time to spare. There is nowhere to keep your luggage. This can be worked around if you have the right hotel. Often hotels will keep your luggage if you ask until later even if you have checked out. The only issue is going back to the hotel to pick up before your flight and depending on times it may be worth it.

Rideshare worked out great for me. I used it for all of the benefits, designated driver, tourist guide, and money saver. Next time you travel check out the rideshare apps, check out the estimated costs from your hotel to the locations you want to go. The savings and benefits may just be worth it.

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