It was way back in 2014 when our old friend, Birdperson, enlightened us about the true meaning of the phrase, "wubba lubba dub dub," which had earlier been coined as Rick's catch phrase. Or for those of us who are bandwagon fans, it was last week. Nonetheless, Birdperson revealed to us the true, heart-wrenching meaning behind what had appeared to be such a joyous exclamation. "Wubba lubba dub dub," is, in fact, translated to, "I am in great pain, please help me," in Birperson's native language. Thankfully, Rick coined a new catchphrase at the end of that episode. True fans know what that new catchphrase was.
This listicle of gifs is arranged in order where the first letter of each gif spells out, "wubba lubba dub dub," spaces included. Is there a hidden meaning about how, amidst the humor, there is an underlying element of sadness and a plea for help? Or is this the most interesting topic I could come up with after procrastinating on this article by binge-watching the show? You decide.
(DISCLAIMER: Some of the instances where a gif should begin with the letter, "u," instead begin with the word, "you," for the sake of better quality gifs and to keep things as interesting and as complicated as Rick would prefer.)
1. W.
2. U.
3. B.
4. B.
5. A.
7. L.
8. U.
9. B.
10. B.
11. A
13. D.
14. U.
15. B.
17. D.
18. U.
19. B.
and, of course, a cheesy bonus...