This is the final (and shortest) part in my three part series on growing up. If you missed the first two pieces, feel free to give them a look here and here.
There is no reason to obsess over finding purpose or "growing" at a speed that makes you uncomfortable, can you see how counterproductive that would
be? At the end of the day sometimes you wont have the answers, and that
is okay. Life has a funny way of pointing you in the right direction
over time if you are willing to follow the signals. In the book The Celestine Prophecy the
case is made that sometimes we experience "meaningful coincidences." In
other words, sometimes, something that seems like a coincidence on the
surface may lead you to a much bigger discovery about who you are or
what you want in life. For example, maybe a stranger approaches you and
strikes up a random conversation, your first instinct may be to blow
them off or at the very least not pay attention to what they say. But
what if they mentioned something you have never heard of that would
greatly interest you? That one random conversation could literally
change the course of your entire life! Be open to new things, do what
makes you happy, and learn from your you are growing up.