I along with a great deal of other college students have fallen in love with "Rick and Morty." Its absolutely absurd nihilistic sense of humor that insults everybody in the room at once kills me every time. "Rick and Morty" has an uncanny way of saying exactly what you did not have the courage to say. Most days when I get out of bed to go to class, I wish I could travel to another reality with Rick: the reality where I did not have to finish college to be successful. However, since that and getting my own inter-dimensional cable box seem unlikely, I will just re-watch "Rick and Morty" for a fourth time to deal with my own reality.
1. How you feel when it gets to the end of the semester and you have to turn in 4 papers, give 3 oral presentations, and take 5 tests in the next 5 days.
The end of the semester of is always a whirlwind, but at least you didn't impregnate a sex robot and end up with a half human/half Gazorpazorp baby. No one knows anxiety quite the way Morty does.
2. When you turn in a paper that you don't feel too hot about...
This is beautiful. This gives me hope that my education can blossom into a phenomenal masterpiece.
3. When you get that victory beer or glass of wine at the end of a long stressful week.
You all know that feeling, when you can just be and let loose. It is therapeutic, even. Hanging out with your intergalactic pals having a couple beers is a nice way to unwind.
4. When your oral presentation that is 15% of your final grade doesn't go as planned.
That moment when you get up in front of the class and think you are articulate like Rick, but you turn into Jerry. Yeah. Me too.
5. When you decide to go to Sheetz or McDonald's in the middle of the night with your friends instead of getting sleep.
I mean who needs sleep when you can cross galaxies or get fried mac and cheese bites? Not me.
6. How it feels when you are feeling cocky and you see someone on campus that you do not like.
When you get all defiant because you think that you are as smart as Rick and forget to calm yourself in public.
7. When someone asks why you haven't gotten enough sleep.
Those people in college, who do get enough sleep, must have a time portal gun. I mean, I don't get it. I am either doing work all night or failing at falling asleep.
8. When you get all existential in the middle of the night, instead of sleeping.
There is nothing quite like Rick and Morty in the middle of the night to make you question life, your major, why you are still in college, why you exist, and whether or not anyone loves you.
9. What every professor's motto should be.
All of us college students need to hear this more than once in a while. It is not just another great Morty-ism, but something I remind myself basically every day at the end of the semester. I am pretty sure it should be on every professor's syllabus as an early reminder.
10. The level of excitement which you achieve when you see the word free.
College is the land of poor students, and it is very difficult to not become sporadically happy when you hear the word free especially if food follows. If it is free, I am there.
11. At the end of the school year, when you are ready to see what comes next.
Every year at the end, I am glad for it to be over but also eager to see what is to come. Thankfully, I don't have to be the best to keep from having my home blown up.