Rick Lax Debunked | The Odyssey Online
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Rick Lax Debunked

Bruh, has anybody heard of this dude Rick Lax?

Rick Lax Debunked

I’m scrolling down my Facebook timeline and there’s a video someone shared with the title “Rick Lax knows your birthday.” My first thought is, no tf he doesn’t. To test it out, I begin playing the video and he instructs viewers to think of the month or the year they were born in. Mr. Lax says the option is “yours.” Before we get any further, let me say that I know he doesn’t know my birthday, but I love figuring these things out as I anticipated him to be “correct.” He tells us to think of the last letter of the year or month we were born in. The examples he gives are March (H), and 1996 (siX). I decided to think of my birth month, April (L). He snaps his fingers twice and letters appear on the screen in different colors.

“Find the color of that letter.” Rick says.

L is green.

“Look there is no way I can know when you were born, so there’s no way I can know what color you’re thinking about right now, but if I can somehow guess your color you got to share this video, okay?” Rick says to me through my computer screen.

At this point, I’m anticipating him to guess green, and I have an idea of how this works. There’s only 19 seconds left in the video, so I let if play to the end before I go back and test my theory out. As I’m playing the video, you want to know what this guy does?! HE PULLS OUT A RED BALL FOR THEATRICS, AND THEN A GREEN ONE. I’M CRYING. This was too predictable. There are a few things I must say about this; 1, it’s corny. 2, he didn’t guess anybody’s birthday, just the color of the letter of associated with a word, and 3, here’s how it worked.

There are only 12 numbers possible, because they repeat. For example, let’s start with the nineties. Ninety (Y), ninety-one (E), ninety-two (O), ninety-three (E), ninety-four (R), ninety-five (E), ninety-six (X), ninety-seven (N), ninety-eight (T), and ninety-nine (E). Because of repeated numbers, there is only one year up to date ending in a different letter, and that is 2000 (D). Out of those years, there are only eight different letters, Y,E,O,R,X,N,T,D. Let’s do the months. January (Y), February (Y), March (H), April (L), May (Y), June (E), July (Y), August (T), September (R), October (R), November (R), and December (R). Out of those twelve months, there are only two letters not mentioned in the years, H,L. Total, we have 10 letters, Y,E,O,R,X,N,T,D,H,L. I go back to the part of the video where there are colored letters on the screen, and what do you know? Y,E,O,R,N,T,L are green. That is 7/10, which is 70% chance he would guess the color of your letter.

Remember the example he gave of March and ninety-six? As he gave those examples, he showed the colors of those letters, H and X, before he snapped his fingers and made the rest of the letters appear. This is a subconscious trick. Had someone picked March or ninety-six, they would change their letter to either the year or month, whichever they did not pick. This leaves D, from the year two-thousand, as the only letter not colored green and not mentioned in an example. Therefore in reality, he gave himself a whopping 99.98% chance to guess your “birthday” (which he didn’t even guess), as the only way you could escape him was to be born in the month of March during the year of 2000.

I looked at the comments, and it was so foul. How can people be this gullible I thought? “Dude wtf how can you kiss what color underwear I’m wearing?” Rick somehow understood the question and replied with the word black. Strange.

Needless to say, I didn’t share the video, but I gave it a sad like, because it’s sad.

I continued scrolling down to see more of this fake witchcraft. It wasn't long before I found his next video. He has Uno cards lined up in a circle.

The premise of this particular video is for you to pick either a green or a red card, and move around the circle however many times your particular card says. So for example, there’s a green 4. What you would do, is move four cards clockwise until you land on whatever card you land on, which in this case would be the yellow 9. Then you do it one more time, but this time, you move the number of spaces correlating to your current card, which in this case, is the yellow 9. So you would move 9 spots clockwise, leaving you on the blue 9. It’s two cycles.

Two things; 1, he said in order to lock in your card, you need to push the like button (PUSH THE LIKE BUTTON TO "LOCK IN" CARD?!?!?!) and 2, he guessed the card correctly. SHAKE MY HEAD.

Simple tactics again, no matter what initial green or red card you choose, you will end up on the blue number 9. I urge you to test my theory out if you're amazed.

I wanted to be impressed. I’m a big fan of magic and illusions. I love figuring out how to trick my mind, it’s honestly very fascinating. I gave Rick a third shot at tricking me. The very next video, he tells us to hold up an odd number of fingers in our left hand and an even number of fingers in our right hand. My disappointment had commenced. There is a small pool of numbers between 10 fingers. Still, I participated. 3 fingers on my left and 2 on my right. 32, that’s Magic Johnson’s number. He says to the screen how we have two numbers he doesn’t know. He tells us to add them together and to multiply the sum by three. 3+2 = 5 * 3 = 15. This is where he throws a curve ball. Rick gives viewers three choices, add 6 to your number, subtract six to your number, or keep your number.

I chose to keep 15. He tells us to remember the color corresponding with our number. 15 = brown. Of course, after his cinematics, he guesses brown!

Again, these algorithms are too simple, and I’ll explain. This is the same as the previous two videos. No matter what number you get, all the possibilities correspond to brown. Had I chose 5 for my odd number and 4 for my even number, I would still get a final number corresponding to brown. 4 + 5 = 9. 9 * 3 = 27. 27 corresponds to brown. Adding six or subtracting six corresponds to brown as well.

Nah, I’m lying. I’m hungry and unimpressed, but I do admire Mr. Rick Lax’s hustle and his kindness taking the time out of his day to “replyed” to his fans. That’s always a good thing. Anyways, did I mention I was hungry? See you on my Facebook timeline Rick.


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