Way back in Season 1, Rick Grimes said "We don't kill the living." It's hard to imagine him saying that as it's pretty clear that now after 6 full seasons, Rick has got the most blood on his hands than anyone else in the group, going as far as telling Deanna in Season 5 that he doesn't even know how many people he's killed by now. Although survival has hardened the former sheriff's deputy, he's always done what he's done in order to keep his family and fellow survivors safe.
SPOILER ALERT for those who aren't caught up with the latest season:
As the Season 7 premiere rapidly approaches, fans prepare themselves to see a powerless Rick. When we last left the group, they were surrounded by a new set of bad guys called the Saviors and their leader, Negan. They were forced to give up their weapons and kneel, as Negan introduced himself by beating one of them to death. If you've read my other Walking Dead article, then you know that I believe Negan's revenge doesn't just end with one kill.
There hasn't been a moment in the series where Rick Grimes looked as scared as he did when they first met Negan. With that being said, with the release of a teaser for the upcoming episode, we hear Rick declare that he will kill Negan for what he's done, assuring us that although things aren't looking good for our group, the savage Rick we know will eventually regain his power, and take Negan down.
Until then, here's a list of the best, most badass moments of Rick Grimes:
6. "I Hear Nebraska's Nice"
After disagreements with Rick and his group, Herschel leaves his farm to go get himself a drink at a local bar. When Rick and Glenn catch up with Herschel, they are approached by two guys, Tony and Dave. The two men try to get Rick to give them more information about where the are held up, eventually asking Rick to take them and their group in.
Rick refuses their request, and spares no time killing them when they pull their guns out on him. These were Rick's first two human kills.
5. "I Killed My Best Friend For You People"
Before the start of the undead apocalypse, Rick and Shane were best friends. They grew up together, and went on to become partners in the King County Sheriff's Department. It was Shane who rescued Rick's wife, Lori, and his son, Carl from the undead when a comatose Rick was believed to be dead.
Shane quickly became a father figure for Carl and started a sexual relationship with Lori. That, along with their conflicting views on how to lead the group put Shane and Rick at odds after Rick woke up from his coma, and managed to find his family with a group of survivors outside of Atlanta.
The second season saw a more unstable Shane. In the end, he set up a plan to get Rick deep in the woods so that he could murder him. Rick quickly caught on to this, telling Shane he'd had to kill an unarmed man as he went to hand over his gun. As he did that, he stabbed Shane, killing him.
The death of Shane was really a turning point for Rick Grimes. It made him colder, and more willing to handle threats against him or the group, finally understanding that you can't be the good guy and live anymore. This was the beginning of the "Ricktatorship," as it is referred to.
4. "Shit Happens"
After a long 8 months on the road following the fall of Herschel's farm, Rick and the group happen upon a prison. They clear their way into it and settle in, only to find that five prisoners have been locked in there since the start.
The leader of the group of prisoners, Tomas, doesn't take a liking to Rick. When they're clearing out a separate cell block for the prisoners to live in, Tomas throws a walker Rick's way. When confronted about it, Tomas simply says "shit happens." Rick agrees before slamming a machete through his head.
3. No Way Out
The mid season finale of Season 6 saw hundreds of walkers pour into Alexandria. This, along with Carl getting his eye shot out, caused Rick to lose control of his emotions.
After dropping off an unconscious Carl to Denise, the town's only doctor, Rick walked back outside to the walker-filled streets, dropping every undead body that came his way.
Rick's bravery inspired a lot of other Alexandria residents to join him, and take back their community.
2. "I Already Made You A Promise"![]()
Fan speculation was proved to be right when it was revealed that the people of Terminus were actually just cannibals, led by Gareth, who trick other survivors into going to their "sanctuary" so that they can be eaten.
After Carol helps Rick and the group escape from Terminus, and kill almost all of the people that live there, they meet Gabriel, a priest that takes them to his church. Not long after this, Gareth and a few other "hunters" find Rick and the group, and even eat Bob's leg.
Rick gets the jump on Gareth when he and his friends break into the church. He has them drop their weapons and kneel as Gareth begs for mercy. Rick spares no time swinging his machete down on Gareth, keeping his promise to Gareth to kill him with "a machete with a red handle."
1. "What Ya Gunna Do Now, Sport?"
In quite possibly the most brutal, and one of my all time favorite scenes of The Walking Dead, Rick, Michonne, and Carl find themselves surrounded by a group referred to as the "Claimers." This is the group that picked up Daryl on the road after he lost Beth following the fall of the prison.
In the Season 4 finale, Joe, the leader of the Claimers, held a gun to Rick's head while one of his men pinned Carl down, preparing to rape him. Rick finally snaps and chomps down on Joe's throat, forcing him to bleed out immediately. He then repeatedly stabs the man that was holding Carl down.
This is Rick's most badass moment because it is here where he accepts the fact that he will go to any length to protect his son.
Reflect upon these savage moments while you can, because come Sunday, October 23rd, we will see a powerless Rick have to answer to Negan. It'll be tough to watch the show's hero bow down to it's new villain, but judging by Rick's history, I think it's safe to say that he'll prevail sometime down the road.