At many times in our lives we tend to analyze our own well being and begin to think of ourselves and others in new ways. I simply ask that you take the time to do as I have done and reflect upon yourselves in a creative and imaginative manner. Seek solace in what I have to say. Learn from this and begin to think of life for more than just how you see yourself but what impact you have on the world around you.
Characterizing and communicating one’s self is a daunting endeavor, even explored ever so briefly. Learning who someone is as a person can be such a deep and expansive adventure, while also being something incredibly fulfilling. Exploring the faculties of one’s own mind and reaching deep into our morals and values, one may then learn their true self. It is with great pleasure and yet equal heartache, at times, that I have began to discover who I am as a person in many aspects of my life. In relationships, I learn who I am to others, and in other life endeavors such as work and school, I have learned the professional side of my personality. Over the course of time, I have associated many metaphors with myself in my writing, and in self reflection. Glimpses of me or the way I see life can be depicted through these metaphors, as well as those seen in poetry, and musical works of art. This is all summarized by a mantra or motto that I live my life by; an umbrella over all the other metaphors.
The allegorical structure that is my life begins by apprehensively analyzing and assigning other values to my characteristics. The first of many metaphors to describe myself begins by saying, I am sunny. The vehicle, sunny, is so radiant and simple that it effectively conveys the idea being expressed. The idea being that my personality is happy and shines light on not only my own life but the lives of others, bringing an optimistic outlook to the table.
I am an ever expansive field in the midst of May. This lovely metaphor depicts the great expanse to which I attribute my own understanding of beauty. As one imagines the large field that is my personality, it can be interpreted that I am a complex and beautiful being to be admired. That is the very notion or tenor that is conveyed through the effective and descriptive vehicle that is the ever expansive field in the blooming weather of May.
I am an empty highway in the rain. The mystery that lies ahead in my future and what lies within me, that I am unaware of, is depicted by the notion that the empty highway in the rain can be an absolute or changing landscape. The emptiness signifies my sense of loneliness on my journey through life but as the weather changes down the road, as it does from time to time, I am accompanied by more travelers as the sun shows itself from between the clouds. This metaphor that I attribute to my deepest moments of self reflection in my literal travels on the road, most effectively communicates the sense of intense relation to one’s own experiences through the use of emotional appeal.
To sum up the way I look at myself through these metaphors I have come up with, I also believe I am a bicycle. Certain things about my life are cyclical, yet this means I am reliable just as a bicycle is because of its ability to mobilize at will and rest from time to time. Most of my life is simple and enjoyable as well as whom I believe I am as a person. One might also say the same about a bicycle. There are also many different kinds of bicycles, and artistically speaking they are aesthetically beautiful in many ways; all can be seen as beautiful no matter what.