A man uses his power to move masses to gain some type of political power. He starts off his campaign very well: using patriotism and nationalism as a way to creep his way into people's heart. Many do not cave in, however, many others do. The things he is saying are too fantastical to have a small chance to become true in the near future. But he keeps talking. And people follow him. One day, he begins to use this small power to turn his followers into something less than human. Some are able to resist this, many others are not. And so, he delivers speeches and statement in which he creates this panoramic in which some are undeniably less than others. He trusts these words work in his favor. And, yes, he is quickly gaining enemies, but he is also gaining lots of allies who believe his words are true.
A few decades ago, if you were to read that paragraph to somebody, their mind would quickly think of one man. He plunged the world into a time where fear was the rule for many. Living with fear was what many of them ever knew until their lives were taken away.
Call me melodramatic for believing that we are set to a similar or worse narrative should Donald Trump win the elections this November. Even if he does not directly ask for this, many of those who support him are willing to take the stand to disrespect others' lives. If you are a Republican supporter, consider why many people in your own party have decided to step back and take their support from him. If you are a Democrat, even if you are not quite content with your party's choice in candidate, think for a moment in the world we'd live in if he is chosen. A world where women, people of color, the LGBT community, the sick, the poor, the immigrants, all of them in fear and danger every day of their lives. Imagine a world where powerful countries get sick from the disrespect Donald Trump constantly incurs against them.
The United States of America isn't invincible. It is in every voter's hand this November to protect this country. We are so close to the moment of truth, I can only begin to feel pure panic every passing week. I am now a begger. Be careful with what you do with that precious right many died for years ago.